Being Bra Challenged

Whether you agree I am a woman or not

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


Ok whether you agree I am a woman or not as a trans woman, after over two years on HRT, I have breasts. In fact, according to all available bra sources on the internet, I am 40D. After countlessly measuring my chest, technically I am 44 ½ inches on the top and 40 inches underneath. Trust me, I know how to measure. I did it lying down, standing up and bent over to be sure. Those are the numbers.

My breasts are very important to me. It is the only observable indication that I am physically transitioning. I find myself juvenilely proud of their size and not in a creepy guy way! They give me a sense of validation and they constantly prove to me I am certainly not cisgender. Going for a consultation for my gender altering surgery certainly was absolute proof that I am transgender.

I can no longer deny it, even to myself.

OK back to bras. I was raised wearing male clothes. There is a certain logic to them, even a jock strap is relatively easy to put on but bras absolutely defy any clothing logic I understand. Fortunately, I don’t need a bra right away. I have to stay stealth male for a year for professional and personal reasons. Bra straps would be a sure give away that I was a creepy fetishist or at the very least, a cross-dresser. Both totally off the mark for me. Being…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.