Being Trans Sucks Sometimes, but It’s Taught Me Lessons I Never Want to Give Up

I wouldn’t trade it for the world

Stella Luna (they/she)
Prism & Pen


Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

Every time I’m confronted about being trans, I’m always asked why I would want to do something so drastic and taboo.

Like many other queer individuals, it’s not something that I wanted to do at all. In fact, I tried everything in my power to avoid it for almost 5 years after my realization of not being cis. With every passing day, my head felt more and more like a pressure cooker. Once it clicked for me that I was trans, the nebulous and foggy feelings of my discomfort around myself became more focused and pointed, turning into horrible body dysphoria that made me feel like a monster. During this period of refusing to fully accept and embrace my transness, I felt the most fragile I ever had. What I didn’t realize was that this period of vulnerability and defenselessness was not my atrophy or my downfall, but my chrysalis- a rearranging of parts that I never would’ve imagined looking at myself a couple of years ago.

Ok, that metaphor is SO overused and tired. But, it’s the truth! It’s not all glamorous, though. I never really identified fully with the stories of other queer people who started to fully love themselves soon after…

