Being Transgender with Class

Rising above the deep pool of bigoted mud with style

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


Available on Amazon

Being transgender today is like being a unicorn piñata, hit by mud and baseball bats every day by politicians, religious leaders, and the media while we also experience personal violence and social microaggressions to round out our daily experience.

No wonder unicorns hide.

It all can make you very cross and force you to use very bad words…but that’s not going to happen because we are a classy group of social outcasts, right? If they go low, I say we just step over them as if they were a pile of canine excrement.

Why get their ignorant bigotry on our clean shoes?

We are better than that!

I thought we could use Shakespeare to up our game. Here are a series of insults that I randomly pulled out of some Shakespearean plays. It should sow confusion among our many enemies.

Try and guess which public gender bigot fits the descriptions below (there could be more than one):

  1. “Deceptious pigeon-livered abomination.” A deceitful, cowardly disgusting thing.
  2. “Fawning puppy-headed fustilarian.” An ass-kissing, stupid, ponderously clumsy person
  3. “Lecherous self-glorious braggart.” Sexually…



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