Biden and Dems Roll Over on Roe and LGBTQ Equality

Don’t like me at your house? Get out of my uterus.

James Finn
Prism & Pen


President Joe Biden by Tổng thống. (CC BY 2.0)

A bulldozer almost ripped my arm off at a protest years ago…

… when AIDS was killing my friends and loved ones in frightening numbers. I was with Act Up at the home of a pharma exec, doing what we did — making powerful men understand they had “skin in the game.” We had to make them see that if they continued taking decisions that would kill us, they would face serious personal and social consequences, including incurring the wrath and loathing of their neighbors.

We had to show them their actions weren’t just an intellectual game they could forget when they came home to their landscaped mansions, wives, and children.

Remember that time we draped a giant condom over Senator Jesse Helms’ D.C. home? We were getting the nation’s attention PLUS showing Helms he had skin in the game. We were getting his neighbors involved, on purpose.

I didn’t lose my arm that day, and our tactics worked.

In the end, the American people rallied to our side. Friends and neighbors pushed WITH us against politicians, pharma execs, and judges — demanding human-to-human that policy makers elevate the fight against HIV to a true…



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.