Body & Soul: My Transgender A-Duh Moments

Pure ignorance in motion

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


Have you ever had one of those “a-duh” moments when something so obvious was so outside your consciousness that you smack yourself in the forehead and yell “A-DUH” when you discover that shocking realization makes you feel stupid for not seeing it sooner?

You are, after all, so, so smart you think, as you laughingly mock yourself.

My entire transgender experience has been exactly like that. I have lived through a regular stream of “a-duh” moments. To discover that you are transgender at 61 years of age is a testament to the power of Nurture in the “Nurture or Nature” argument. How I was raised allowed a massive wall to be built around my Nature. Arguably, my biological sex and a flood of testosterone also threw some additional bricks on the jail cell wall in support of Nurture.

For 61 years I thought that being male was my identity. It was who I was and who I lived as. It was who the world saw me and how I was accepted in my social circles. It seemed so right but…

We had it all wrong.

The depth of my ignorance, which had made the bricks of my denial so thick, is so shocking to me even now as when I did each “a-duh” as I started this startling discovery.



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.