Catholic School Defies Racist, Homophobic Bishop

Jesuit Nativity School flies LGBTQ Pride and Black Lives Matters flags despite threats

James Finn
Prism & Pen


The flagpole at Nativity School via NBC News 10 Boston, and Bishop Robert McManus via CBS Boston

Racism and homophobia often walk hand in hand …

…as a prominent Catholic bishop near Boston just demonstrated. In trying to strong-arm a Catholic school he has no authority over, he is teaching racist, homophobic values to children, identifying those values as Catholic, and elevating hatred above love and acceptance.

The Catholic women and men who run the school, which provides a free, academically superior education to underserved children, are standing strong. Refusing to bow to the bishop’s bigotry, the school is setting an inspiring example for children all over the Boston area.

Here’s what’s going on, including some back story on the bishop, who has a recent history of ignoring credible complaints about sexual assault by diocese staff, of personally discriminating against gay people in the real estate market, and making bizarre personal slurs against transgender people.

According to the Boston Globe, Bishop Robert McManus of the Catholic diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts has demanded that the Nativity School — a small, tuition-free, Jesuit middle school serving mostly Black…



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.