Chapter 4: The Ugly Apple Orchard

A tale of Oz, Trump, and gender enlightenment

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


Donald the T Tree

As the three continued their journey on the Path of Gender Enlightenment, the sun was starting to set. My stomach started to rumble. Fortunately, there was an apple orchard on one side of the path and a hay field on the other. Neverknow was sitting on the fence to the hay field. He had obviously decided on where we were staying that night. Andi was delighted with the choice and Harley was just happy to finally be able to sit down for the first time in months.

Just off the road was a perfect pile of hay. We all thought to ourselves, as we threw ourselves on it, “AHHHH.” We were all tired. Andi lay back in the hay and used the opportunity to continue to add more straw to her bra.

Since I was the only one hungry and this was not the place to eat a talking animal, I was content to walk across the road to gather some of the apples on the ground under an orchard. As I worked, I noticed the trees seemed to twist and to follow me. Being rooted to the ground limited…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.