Christian Homophobe Michael Brown Exposed as Sexual Abuser
A hypocrite who called out others for sexual abuse
In 2017, “at the beginning of the MeToo movement, Michael Brown publicly called abusers to repent.” In 2020 and 2023, when Christian leaders Todd Bentley and Mike Bickle were accused of sexual misconduct, Michael Brown led the charge to investigate the allegations, to “bring the truth to light.”
In 2002, a 22-year-old secretary at the Brownsville Revival quietly cleared out her desk and fled Florida. “Erin” (not her real name) met Michael Brown in 1999, when she was 18. She was attending the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry, where Brown was president.
In 2000, Brown and John Kilpatrick had a falling out over the direction of the ministry, and Kilpatrick fired Brown, who left and started the FIRE School of Ministry in Pensacola. Erin followed Brown to the new organization. Her home life was difficult, and he had become a father figure to her. When he asked her to call him “Dad”, she was happy to do so.
However, when he asked her to kiss him on the lips, she was uncomfortable. But she felt she couldn’t refuse. And when he began to slap her buttocks, she became even more uncomfortable.