Colorado Republicans Call for Flag Burning… Pride Flags, that is!

The tribe gathering under Old Glory has declared war on those who dare to march under the rainbow.

Rand Bishop
Prism & Pen
Published in
6 min readJun 10, 2024


Pride flag at soccer match, Commerce City, CO, May 25, 20024. Photo credit: Isaiah J. Downing.

Republicans have never held their tongues when it comes to flag burning. Not only have they always stood in unabashed, unified outrage at the very thought, they’ve typically deemed burning a flag to be the most heinous of crimes. Listening to their righteous indignation through the years, you’d think that setting Old Glory ablaze in protest automatically makes an offender deserving of the firing squad.

So, recently, when these same staunch defenders of the flag called for flags to be burned, well… my ears perked up!

Free speech…

In 1989, the U. S. Supreme Court reversed the $2000 fine and one-year jail sentence levied by the state of Texas against Gregory Lee Johnson. The high court determined — by the narrowest margin, 5–4 — that avowed communist Johnson pouring kerosene on a flag and igniting it outside the 1984 Republican Convention qualified as free speech, protected by the First Amendment.


Throughout history, flags have been used to rally and unify people of like mind and common heritage. A flag invariably says…



Rand Bishop
Prism & Pen

Bishop's latest book, the semi-autobiographical novel, Long Way Out, is available in e- and print editions through most major online booksellers.