Dave Chappelle is Only the Tip of the Iceberg

One comedy special was all it took to remind me that people don’t take the Black LGBTQ community seriously.

Joseph Coco
Prism & Pen


Photo by Sushil Nash on Unsplash

I have looked into Pandora’s box known as the internet and it has once again spoken to me. The message? If you’re a Black person who happens to also be a member of the LGBTQ community, you don’t exist. If you’re a Black person, your race will always supersede your sexuality.

I could attribute this to the recent drama surrounding Dave Chappelle, but this narrative has been around much longer than him and his specials. He has allowed for people to propagate such thinking under the guise of defending his comedy. It’s pretty amazing what people will do and say for you when you’re a multi-millionaire who exists leagues outside their tax bracket.

I don’t wake up each day, putting on one shoe that’s for my Blackness and the other that’s for my queerness.

Maybe I’ve taken the validity of my existence for granted since I always try to surround myself with people of a similar experience. It’s only when I move outside my circles that I begin to see that there are many who not only fail, intentional or not, to understand intersectionality, but the very…



Joseph Coco
Prism & Pen

Big haired #Leo who writes about existing as a Queer POC in America. Louisiana Creole. New Orleans. I’m the dramatic southern belle your parents love!