Dear Weekend: It’s Not You, It’s Me

Alright, my darlings, gather ‘round because I’ve got a tale as cheeky as it is relatable

Prism & Pen
7 min readAug 12, 2024


Picture this: I’ve just survived another week of juggling work, social obligations, and even a concert and a bar night. By the time Friday night rolls around, the idea of hitting the town feels about as appealing as revisiting that Scruff hookup gone wrong.

What I really want? To curl up on my couch and disappear into a weekend of blissful, indulgent nothingness. Yes, darling, I’m here to celebrate the fine art of doing absolutely zilch, and I’m doing it with the flair of a bear who knows how to savor the finer things in life.

The Art of JOMO

We’ve all heard of FOMO — the Fear of Missing Out. Well, let me introduce you to my personal favorite: JOMO — the Joy of Missing Out. There’s something downright magical about scrolling through your friends’ Instagram stories, seeing them sip overpriced cocktails in noisy bars, and feeling nothing but pure, unadulterated relief that you’re not there. While they’re out navigating crowded bars, I’m lounging in my fortress of solitude, enjoying a glass of champagne in sweatpants that could’ve strutted off a Paris runway. Who needs a bar when I’ve got a fully stocked fridge and the freedom to nap whenever the mood strikes?

The Importance of Telling Your Hubby

Now, let’s get real — communication is key, especially when you’re planning to go full-on hibernation mode for the weekend. I mean, you can’t just disappear into your cocoon of cozy blankets without giving your hubby the heads-up. If you don’t, he’s going to think something’s wrong, and we can’t have that, can we? So here’s how it went down: my hubby had a concert lined up with friends today and some work to catch up on tomorrow. Perfect timing, right? I made sure to let him know that I was in dire need of some downtime. I explained that I was feeling over-socialized and just needed a break to recharge. He got it — after all, he knows how much I cherish some me-time.

By setting the expectation upfront, I avoided any awkward misunderstandings and made sure we were both on the same page. Plus, it meant I could fully bask in my weekend of nothingness without worrying that he’d be wondering why I was acting like a grumpy bear. So, darlings, always keep those lines of communication open. It’s the secret to a happy, peaceful, drama-free weekend.

Chasing the Perfect Weekend-In

Now, to make this weekend truly legendary, I need a game plan. Here’s how it’s done, darling:

Stock Up on Supplies: First things first — snacks! I’m talking all my favorite guilty pleasures. I’ve got my go-to delivery menu on speed dial, and let’s not forget the Ben & Jerry’s. Because nothing says “me-time” like devouring ice cream while binge-watching my favorite shows.

Create the Ultimate Playlist: Time to channel my inner diva and blast those guilty pleasure tunes. Whether I’m dancing around the living room like no one’s watching or just letting the music wash over me, this playlist is going to be the soundtrack of my weekend.

Binge-Watch My Favorites: Finally, I get to catch up on all those shows and movies I’ve been meaning to watch. No interruptions, no spoilers — just me, my screen, and a cozy blanket. Bonus points if I can stay awake through an entire episode!

Read That Book: You know, the one I’ve been meaning to dive into for months. Whether it’s a steamy romance or a sci-fi epic, I’m taking a literary adventure without ever leaving my couch.

Why Solitude is Underrated

Let’s be real — there’s something downright luxurious about the silence of an empty room. It’s a chance to check in with myself, reflect, and indulge in some much-needed self-care. In a world that’s constantly demanding my attention, sometimes the greatest gift I can give myself is turning off my phone and just being present. It’s like a spa day for the soul, minus the awkward small talk with a stranger.

And listen, if the urge strikes to venture out into the world, that’s perfectly fine too. But this weekend, it’s all about embracing the power of saying no and taking care of myself.

A Weekend to Remember (or Forget)

There was a time, not too long ago, when I was the poster child for living life at full throttle. Work hard, party harder, live like every day was your last — that was my motto. And oh, did I revel in it. The crazier the weekend, the more alive I felt. Take, for instance, this one weekend that’s forever etched in my memory. It was the kind of weekend that would leave most people begging for a quiet night in, but back then? Oh, honey, I was ready for more.

It started innocently enough with a pre-wedding lunch — always a good way to kick off the weekend. I was invited because the groom was my cousin, but not close enough to make the small family wedding itself. It was fun, especially when the bride’s brother — a charming guy who flirted with me over champagne and whom I ended up dating for a hot minute after — was there. Flirting over bubbly? Don’t mind if I do. And if he had come out sooner and the wedding was later, who knows? I could have been his plus one.

But that same evening, I found myself at Ty’s, where I ran into an ex who was in quite the “enthusiastic” state. He was all about “us” breaking up was the biggest mistake of his life. Never mind that he was the one who broke it off because, according to a mutual friend, I “wasn’t funny enough.” There he was, slurring his way through an apology while I tried to keep a straight face. It was like a scene straight out of a rom-com — minus the romance, but with plenty of comedy.

Thank U, Next.

The next day brought not one but two birthday parties. The first was all fun and games with my nephew — literally. We played Mario Kart, and yes, I got schooled. The second, however, was at a good friend’s place. It was all going smoothly until my best friend’s ex decided it was the perfect time to unload his grievances about my friend.

There I was, playing diplomat, listening to his rants while defending my friend’s honor. It felt like I was caught in an episode of “Days of Our Queer Lives,” and let me tell you, I was ready for a dramatic exit. I told him off in the end, made it clear that the relationship didn’t work because he wasn’t ready or mature enough for it, but I did it in a way that made him feel understood.

We’ve all been there with our first relationships — it’s about learning, not blaming. But did it drain me? Not a chance! I was high on the thrill of it all, ready to keep the party going. That weekend was a rollercoaster of drama, flirtation, and just the right amount of chaos — exactly how I liked it back then.

Today, though? If I had to relive that weekend now, I’d probably need a week off just to recover. My younger self would be horrified, but hey, we all evolve, right?

The Joys of Bear Runs

I still feel oversocial at times. Now, let’s talk about those weekends when I’m not hibernating but rather living it up at a bear run. Ah, the joys of letting your inner social butterfly take flight. Picture it: me, decked out in my finest gear, ready to party like there’s no tomorrow. There’s something magical about being surrounded by fellow bears, sipping cocktails, and dancing like no one’s watching. It’s like a carnival for grown-ups, complete with all the fun, laughter, and — let’s be honest — some questionable decisions.

Bear runs are like the Gay Olympics, but instead of medals, we’re competing for who can have the most fun. These weekends are the perfect reminder that, despite my love for solitude, I’ve still got some moves on the dance floor. And let’s be honest — nothing beats the camaraderie of a bear run if you are there with friends. It’s like being part of a brotherhood where everyone’s welcome, and the only rule is to have a good time.

But — and there’s always a but — as I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that while these weekends are a blast, they leave me needing a bit more time to recover. Gone are the days of bouncing back on Monday morning like nothing happened. Now, I need a solid day to rehydrate, recuperate, and rebuild my energy levels. Still, the thrill of the nightlife, the excitement of the dance floor, and the chance to reconnect with old friends make it all worth it.

So while I might not be able to party like I used to, those bear runs are still tempting enough to pull me out of hibernation for some crazy weekends every now and then. And let’s be honest — I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Recharge and Reflect

However, Taking time for myself isn’t just about avoiding burnout; it’s about recharging my batteries and getting back to what makes me, well, me. Whether I’m an extrovert who needs a break from the hustle and bustle or an introvert who’s just plain exhausted, I know it’s perfectly okay to take a step back.

So this weekend, I’m celebrating the glorious art of staying in. Because sometimes, the best company is the kind I find within. I’ll raise my glass to the simple joys of me-time, pyjamas, and the delightful absence of small talk. Cheers to the weekend, my fellow weekend warriors — let’s make it one to remember (or forget)!

Oh, and if you have any suggestions on my game plan to make that special solitude weekend even let me know!



Prism & Pen

Lenso: IT pro by day, creative wizard by night. Balancing writing, design, and work with a passion for bear-themed art. Love my hubby 🌈🐻