Defending My Gay Crushes on Straight Men

Let’s give ourselves a little grace

James Patrick Nelson
Prism & Pen


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Nearly every gay man I know has fallen for a straight guy at least once or twice. But is this inevitable, or cause for alarm? When does it become a pattern? Is it harmful, or are there innocent ways to justify it?

In a recent article, I wrote briefly about a romantic meet-cute I had in the park in Brooklyn with a bisexual/questioning man napping in the grass:

A writer friend of mine said he was hit hard by my assertion that —

I let the dynamic go on longer than I should’ve, because I kept telling myself our platonic affection was better than anything I could ever hope to find in a gay bar.

Then we had a really vulnerable discussion when my next article depicted another relationship I had with a bi/questioning guy at a summer theatre:



James Patrick Nelson
Prism & Pen

30x Boosted. An outgoing, enthusiastic, queer actor, screenwriter, filmmaker, storyteller, poet.