Defiance — A Poem

We burn bright

Mrs. Capricious
Prism & Pen


Photo by Aiden Craver on Unsplash

So sick of this trite shite masquerading as right
Throwing round your might,
You've strayed so far from the light you've lost your sight.
You belong to the night.
As for us we burn bright,
Never forsake the fight,
Won't ever take fright,
‘Cos your barks worse than your bite.
Tripping high as a kite,
Others people's pain's your delight.
Think you've won. Not quite.
We're loose and limber but you're wound tight.
Tilting at every imagined slight. Deaf to every victim's plight.

But hear me now, mark my words and how.
We're transgender and we will never surrender.

Originally published in Prism & Pen 15-02-21.



Mrs. Capricious
Prism & Pen

Capricious by name, steadfast by nature. Trans femme dyke. Smutsmith. Provocateur. Witch. Poet. Slut. Idiot.