Dining Under the Rainbow

A Prism & Pen writing prompt

James Finn
Prism & Pen


Are rainbows writing magic?

Not long ago, I dined under a triple rainbow that filled the sky over the restaurant in the tiny Michigan village where I live. I’ll never forget how the colors glinted off pond ripples just beyond the terrace.

I’ll never forget spying a grizzled old gay couple in the same grungy joint, dressed like the farmers you’d expect them to be, but with one pair of wrinkled overalls set off by a pastel ascot in colors that advertised the men’s queerness as loudly as their mannerisms and speech.

My fiction writer’s soul is begging me to write a story about those guys, and maybe it’s time! This prompt is for me, but I’m inviting you to come play too. Let’s write about Dining Under the Rainbow.

P&P’s new two-week prompt starts today

Fiction, nonfiction, poetry — you name it, as long as you write about Dining Under the Rainbow, which could mean just about anything. Literal, symbolic, mystical, faith-based, whimsical — whatever strikes you, let’s tell some stories!

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James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.