Everyone Loves Rainbows: Some Evangelical Christians Don’t Want To Share

Is God really punishing the U.S. with calamitous weather?

Ron Wayne
Prism & Pen


A popular meme on Facebook

When I saw the meme above on someone’s Facebook page, I was amused and yet anxiously reminded of how the LGBTQ+ community is facing renewed wrath from some Christians.

It’s hard to argue with Christians who believe God controls everything, but would “he” claim to own only the pleasant aspects of weather and not the hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and tidal waves?

Or does “he” hurl those punishments at us because we’ve allowed gays to marry and have other rights? That’s what some religious types allege. More than 10 years ago, The Advocate publication listed 10 disasters that were blamed on gays.

In the 2012 article, Pastor John Haggee of San Antonio, Texas, is quoted as saying, “God caused Hurricane Katrina to wipe out New Orleans because it had a gay pride parade the week before and was filled with sexual sin.”

This is typical of how evangelical Christians and others have tried to convince the rest of us that God is willing to punish everyone, even if they aren’t gay, for the sins of just seven percent of the population. You would think “he” would be more precise. In any case, we’re an easy scapegoat as a small minority, and…



Ron Wayne
Prism & Pen

Award-winning newspaper columnist now writing for the personal finance website HumbleDollar and for my own publication here, Cheap Old Peeps.