Everything I Have Learned From Drooling Over Gillian Anderson

My queer movie crush, then and now

Gaby Rogut
Prism & Pen


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Oh, my sweet Gillian. Where do I even begin?

I must confess that, even though the first time I ever heard of her was during her X-Files days, I wasn’t a fan of the show. Yeah, I watched a few episodes because I felt the need to keep up with the culturescape, but I was never a devotee.

However, she would show her gorgeous face and unparalleled acting talent here and there. Mmm, did I already tell you I think she is super sexy and intelligent and a mistress of her craft?

Oh, yes, even though my first crush ever was a smart white dude, I always kept the memory of her in the back of my mind, which made me feel weird. After all, I was a straight woman! How dared I have steamy thoughts about her?

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GB finds out she is queer.

Coming to terms with my queerness wasn’t a quick process. There wasn’t a sudden moment when I dropped my coffee mug while muttering to myself, “Oh, my god, I’m bi.”



Gaby Rogut
Prism & Pen

Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me! https://ko-fi.com/gabyrogut/commissions