Face the Anti-LGBTQ Dragon With Me on YouTube? Suffering For Faith.

Join me for a freewheeling conversation about queer kids, faith, and fascism

James Finn
Prism & Pen


Last week, I read a powerful op-ed in the Washington Post by a writer whose 12-year-old choirboy son taught her a surprising lesson in resisting bigotry and standing up for the dignity and decency of transgender, gay, and other LGBTQ people.

‘And a little child shall lead them,’ I thought to myself.

The writer was so moved by her son’s sacrificial act of conscience that she sat down and thought hard on why homophobia and transphobia are surging in our society and why relatively few liberal and progressive people are taking deliberate or effective action to stop it.

She asked herself why her son’s sacrifice, as simple as it was, feels so unusual.

She pondered the role of faith and family, and then she penned an article that should give us all food for thought — that should nourish the part of us that values decency and love.

When I read her op-ed, I didn’t know I’d still be thinking about it days later when I sat down with Soul Dancer, a Hawaiian blogger and podcaster who invited me to have a conversation with him about “Suffering for Faith,” a reference to the concept in general…



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.