The First PRIDE DAY in My Indiana Town

If it can happen here, could it happen anywhere?

James Alexander, PhD
Prism & Pen


Photo by Tim Bieler on Unsplash

My town…

Well, we really didn’t celebrate Pride Month much in my town. Don’t get me wrong. There are a bunch of LGBTQ+ folks in my town. Several are quite open about it. I think (could be wrong) there are three churches that are truly open and affirming — not just in name, or to change folks. I am sure that many people did go to the major city nearby for the parade and other festivities. But here? I did wear my rainbow pin. Some others did too. Maybe you need to understand a bit about my town.

I live in Indiana, a very conservative state. The governor before the current guy was Mike Pence, who unapologetically discriminated against the LGBTQ+ community. He also wanted to promote Gay Conversion Therapy (never mind that the psychology/psychiatric community has completely rejected it and the notion that being queer is a mental illness). In the last election, Trump got nearly 60% to Biden’s 40-something. It is a very red state.

Now, my town is only about 30 minutes from a large city. It is a town of about 50,000. It was prosperous. It was a hub for GM — especially for research and development (a member of my church has his name on the patent for anti-lock brakes). There is a lot of influence from one conservative…



James Alexander, PhD
Prism & Pen

Former minister and professor. I now mostly work s a transpersonal spiritual director. I've got a cool Maine Coon named Baxter.! Thanks for reading my articles.