Gay-Bashed Utah Teen and Mom Seek Safety from Racist Polygamy Cult

Christian Peacock wants justice. Sandy, Utah police and prosecutors keep dragging their heels.

James Finn
Prism & Pen


Christian Peacock sitting between sister Jocelynn Peacock and boyfriend Jacob Metcalf, celebrating Christian’s 18th birthday a few days after Christian was gay bashed in his own driveway. Photo by Stefanie Peacock, used with permission of all subjects.

This article contains an anti-gay slur and non-graphic details of anti-gay violence.

I first wrote about Christian Peacock right after he turned 18 at the start of August. I interviewed him, his older sister Jocelynn, and his mother Stefanie four days after he was gay bashed in Sandy, Utah. I’m still in touch with the family today. A lot has happened since I wrote that story, some of it positive, much of it very negative.

When I first spoke to Christian, he was still having occasional problems concentrating and speaking coherently, showing signs of the severe concussion and brain swelling doctors diagnosed after he was attacked.

He’s now fully recovered physically, but he and his boyfriend Jacob Metcalf have been hit hard by events. The family are asking for public support, and I’ll explain why in just a second. First, a brief recap of the attack, or click here for more detail:



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.