Gay Man in Waiting Loves a Rent Boy

Chapter 52: A fag through and through

Laurence Best
Prism & Pen


Austin Wade/

The pink “DREAM BOYS of BOSTON” flyer thumb tacked to the wall read:

“We offer you more pleasure than you get from your lawyer for the same hourly fee. Handsome, charming, built young men for male clientele after 4 pm. (617) 437–7425 Nice young men: Interviews available”

I was more than intrigued and wrote the telephone number on the paper bag containing my purchases from the GLAD bookstore on Boston’s Bolyston St. Then I hurried back to my hotel to plan my long weekend of business and, I hoped, pleasure.

Boston was my favorite recurring business trip. London, Paris and Oslo were superior destinations, but the logistics and jet lag made them anything but easy. I had been going to Boston once or twice a year since the late eighties to visit insurance defense clients and had grown to love the city.

Saturday night was free, and I planned to fly out Sunday morning after an evening in the city’s busy gay bars, as I had in the past. This meant lying to Julie. I dutifully reported in by telephone daily and claimed a Saturday night business dinner that did not exist so I could continue to explore this hidden side of my life. I hated lying to her, and she certainly did not deserve it, but I believed I was managing my life the…



Laurence Best
Prism & Pen

Larry Best is a retired trial lawyer who writes about the alienation that led him into the closet until he was 42 years old and his life since coming out