Getting Lucky (When It Comes to Top Surgery)

One enby’s surgery cancellation is another enby’s dream come true

Prism & Pen


Photo by Eleanor on Unsplash

I received a call at 8:09am yesterday morning. I was still getting ready. I had just finished blow drying my hair, and I was about to put on some lotion before heading off to breakfast with a few friends. I looked down at the caller ID, and saw that it was my surgical scheduler, Kirstie*.

Without getting my hopes up, I answered the phone.

I wasn’t expecting to hear from them until December at the earliest. When we’d initially met, Kirstie mentioned that the top surgeons at my local hospital were completely booked through November. Without getting my hopes up, I answered the phone.

“Hi, may I speak to Oakley?”

“This is them.”

“There’s been a cancellation, and Dr. Belek specifically asked me to reach out to you. Our cancellation is on October 8th. Do you want that date for your surgery?”

I knew deep, deep down in my soul that October 8th would work. I would make it work.

“Yes! Absolutely. I’ll take it.” I agreed to October 8th before checking my calendar to see if I was free, before looking to see…



Prism & Pen

Black, queer, and anxiously fabulous. Words: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Psychology Today, An Injustice!, Prism & Pen, Gender from the Trenches.