He Wanted Me to Fulfill His Transgender Porn Fantasy

Fresh from watching trans porn, he assumed I would be just like the porn star

Suzanna Alastair
Prism & Pen


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Recently, a man sent me this message on a trans dating app I use:

Hey, You’re hot!!! You look like this chick on [porn flick] I watched. I wanna do this….. and this…. and this…

He watched some trans porn and got all hot and bothered. He lusted for the same experience and assumed I was down for it too. Why? Well, because I am a trans woman, which of course must mean that I want to fuck him exactly like the porn star did, right?


Trans people make up a small percentage of the population and most people have not knowingly met a trans person to see that we’re just like everyone else. We’re normal human beings with desires for happiness and we also wish to avoid suffering. We do not all like the same things just because we’re trans. We’re a diverse group of people like the general population.

Over the past few years, trans people have received more exposure in the media with celebrities such as Elliot Page and Caitlyn Jenner making the rounds. As a result, people are curious about trans people, who we are, and of course, what’s it like to have sex with a trans person.

