Heartening Story About Love With a Surprise Ending!

Prism of possibilities

Shachee Swadia
Prism & Pen


As he kicked his bike, Sandeep felt a rush of energy. Today was the selection day for the college play. He had always loved everything about plays and dramas.

Many of his friends even teased him as Sandy - the drama queen!

He had practiced hard and was very sure of which part he wanted to audition for. In fact, he already envisaged himself in the role and knew he could play this part better than any other character.

His mind whirled with emotions as he sped towards the college. This was his only chance to act in the college play. Just this year his college had introduced the concept of an optional drama class and a performance at the end of the semester. To his delight, the college had appointed a drama teacher to guide them. Interested students could take the extra class after regular classes. He had immediately signed up for it and persuaded many other students too. It was now 3 months since the drama classes had begun and just a month remained for the end of college. The play would therefore happen on the last day of college, and the theme was decided. It was his last semester before completing graduation, and he badly wanted to be a part of this play.



Shachee Swadia
Prism & Pen

Visualizer. Writer. Coder. Hopeful humanist. Hopeless optimist. Happy soul.