Lesbian Paranormal Romance | Fiction

Her Witch, Her Demon: Episode 11

Nyx meets the Demon Circle

Torshie Torto
Prism & Pen


The Herald Tower was not a tower but a basilica. Most people, especially tourists, who came to Green Front thought that the impressive building of stone was a church built during medieval times.

They wouldn’t be wrong about how old the Herald Tower was. However, it was the farthest thing from a church. Founded by Lowdren Powers, the Herald Tower symbolized the Demon Circle's authority in Green Front.

It was in here that Nyx went to face the Demon Circle who dared summon her like some commoner. In Rorel, the Lowdren Powers were the highest authority in lower dominions. Green Front was one of these lower dominions, ruled over by the seven Lowdren Powers, the first of which was Staslok. Supported by the Highdren Powers as First Power, Staslok was the most powerful demon in the city. It was perhaps this authority he had that made him arrogant enough to summon someone like Nyx so casually.

When Nyx arrived inside the Herald Tower, the Lowdren Powers were already seated, waiting for her. They all wore their matching black and red robes, the insignia of the Lowdren Powers — a five-pointed star in a full moon — strapped to their chests.

“So what is this about?” Nyx asked in an eerily calm tone. While she was furious with the Powers, Nyx was still rational. It would be best to gather the information she needed first.

“The meeting hasn’t begun yet,” said Staslok in his gruff voice.

“What are we waiting for? I have things to do.” And she was losing her patience by the second.

She had stayed out of the politics of Green Front all this time and did her best to stay away from the Lowdren and Highdren Powers. These demons didn’t like peace.

“We have guests joining us soon,” said Staslok.

Guests? Nyx raised a brow. Was it the Highdren Powers or perhaps the First Power of Zorgan, the higher dominion under which Green Front belonged? But even if the Highdren Powers were coming here, why would Staslok invite her? And what did her club have to do with anything?

Wait, had he figured out Nyx’s true identity as Onixcasria? No. It couldn’t be. If Staslok knew of Nyx’s true identity, he would have killed himself before even thinking about summoning her. She must be here for something else. Before Nyx could ask any questions, she heard several footsteps approaching in the distance.

“Ah, they’re here now,” said Staslok. “I invited the Elders of the Witch Council.”

Nyx narrowed her eyes. This sneaky bastard. Why didn’t he tell her that before?

Nine people walked into the massive hall, an air of wariness surrounding them. The Witch Council. What in the world could have made them even accept the invitation of the Demon Circle? Something wasn’t right. The nine elders sat across the other half of the room. Nyx was left standing in the center while all eyes were on her, like a criminal in a court of law.

Seated in the second row of the nine elders were Meredith’s parents. Charles and Andrea Huang took a long hard look at Nyx, and then they began whispering to each other. “Is that Onyx Castle?” Charles said to his wife.

Andrea nodded. “What’s she doing here?”

So the Witch Council didn’t know about this either, Nyx thought. Hmm. Let’s see how this plays out.

Staslok cleared his throat, the room becoming dead silent. “Thank you for honoring my invitation. No doubt my invitation must have shocked you. The last time we met was fifteen years ago. Just like that time, we have something of common interest to discuss. A common enemy.”

“I see,” said Ida Thompson, the grand elder of the Witch Council. With her gray hair and wrinkly skin, Ida was the oldest-looking person in the room. “Yet I don’t get why she’s here.” The grand elder pointed at Onyx Castle. Staring deeply into Ida’s brown eyes, it struck something odd yet familiar within Nyx. But she couldn’t figure out what. “Didn’t you say this was a meeting between the Witch Council and Demon Circle?”

“I did, Grand Elder,” said Staslok. “But I also did say we’re here to discuss our common enemy.” He paused, directing his attention. “Onyx Castle is our common enemy. At least, until she cooperates.”

“Speak plainly, Staslok,” said Nyx.

“It’s Lord Staslok to you.”

“I think not… Staslok.”

The silence thickened, the hearts of each witch and demon beating faster and faster. For the witches, she was certain they were anxious about witnessing the murder of a human right before their eyes. As for the demons, Nyx had a feeling their rapid heartbeat was absolute rage. Demons were the most prideful beings in existence.

“Now,” said Nyx, utterly bored by the whole thing, “stop wasting my time. I gave you the necessary respect by honoring your invitation. Do not make me regret it, Staslok.”

Staslok’s glare deepened. But instead of throwing a tantrum, he said, “The Durug is back.”

“Yes. And?”

“They’ve abducted and killed several demons and witches in the last few days. We can’t let that go on anymore.”

“Alright. But what has that got to do with me?”

“I agree with Onyx,” said Ida. “The Durug is a witch problem. If anything, we should be worried about you, First Power. How can we trust that you know nothing about the Durug? They’re your people after all.”

“Careful now, Grand Elder,” Staslok thundered. “The Durug are not my people.” Staslok’s gray eyes shimmered with fury. “They desecrate the pact that keeps us at peace and I will not stand for it.”

“Why are they back now?” asked another one of the elders. “No one’s heard of them for centuries.”

“It’s all because of her.” Staslok pointed at Nyx. “Onyx Castle is the reason for all this.”

“Oh,” said Nyx, “I told the Durug to kill witches and demons? Am I missing something?”

“Stop playing dumb. You know why the Durug has emerged from the shadows. It’s all because of your nightclub. It’s an abomination and you must shut it down.”

“Let me get this straight. You called me here only to ask me to shut down my nightclub because it’s causing the Durug to kill your people.”

“I’m not asking, Onyx. It’s an order. Better listen before Lord Qixoq gets involved.”

Lord Qixoq… Nyx had heard the name a few times. Demons in Green Front spoke of this name in hushed whispers and fearsome reverence. As a lifelong learner, one of the first things Nyx did when she came to Rorel was do extensive research about the realm. Unlike Heldan where absolute power was in the hands of the Supreme Monarch and his thirteen First Powers, things weren’t so simple in Rorel.

In the mortal realm, humans and witches were the original inhabitants. Primordials and royal demons from Heldan who moved to Rorel mated with some of these humans and witches to birth demigrons — hybrid demons. Eventually, some of these powerful demons also created vampires and werewolves. As demonic energy and Chaos increased in Rorel, it brought into existence more and more lesser demons. So while Rorel was the smallest of the three realms, it had the most diverse population — humans, witches, werewolves, vampires, and demons — and each group had their style of governance. Naturally, the human governments ruled the realm, with the Hunter Guild protecting them in the shadows from the malevolent world of magic.

The Witch Council, governed by the five High Witches, oversaw all witch covens in the realm. Like Green Front, every city had a localized version of the council. And as for the demons, they had partitioned Rorel into ten higher Dominions ruled over by the Highdren Powers, and fifty lower dominions ruled over by the Lowdren Powers. Zorgan was one of these ten Dominions, and Green Front was directly under its authority.

Qixoq, as Nyx had come to learn, was one of the ten Highdren Powers, specifically the First Power of Zorgan. An incredibly powerful royal demon, rumored to be the most ruthless of the Highdren Powers. It would be no surprise to Nyx if Qixoq was a member of the upper echelons of the Durug.

Did these idiots think she cared about Qixoq? Really? Maybe this was all one big joke. So she waited patiently for the punchline. But these idiots seemed serious. Nyx burst into hysterical laughter. For minutes, her laughter echoed throughout the massive hall.

“You think this is funny, Onyx Castle?”

“Why yes, Staslok. Hilarious, actually. You summoned me over this?” Her tone hardened, dripping with venom.

“There’s a reason witches and demons stay away from each other. It’s how we keep the peace. The Union threatens that peace.”

“I don’t see how. If anything, the Union brings everyone together.”

“And some people don’t like it.”

“Do you mean you or the Durug? Or perhaps it’s the same damn thing.”

Through gritted teeth, Staslok said, “I keep this dominion under control. Unlike some Powers who couldn’t care less about dead witches, I do. Not because I care about witches, but because I care about order.”

“Oh, I find that hard to believe. Who’s to say that Qixoq isn’t behind the Durug?”

Staslok’s gray eyes blazed in fury. “If you care about the lives of demons and witches, you will shut down the Union before things get out of control.”

“I’m sorry,” said Ida suddenly. “What is this Union I keep hearing about?”

There was a moment of silence before Norzhef, the Second Power said, “It’s a club owned by Onyx. It’s open to all supernaturals including witches and demons.”

“What?” The witches murmured among themselves. “That’s unacceptable.”

“Glad we agree on something,” said Staslok. “The Durug is targeting demons and witches who patronize the Union. Most of the young witches who have gone missing were all taken by the Durug.”

“Oh yeah? And how do you know that?”

Staslok paused for a moment. “Does it matter?”

“It does to me. It’s my club.”

“Well, you can’t run it anymore,” he said. “The Demon Circle has decided to shut it down. I called on the Witch Council because I believe this is a collective duty. Spread the word among your witches to stay away from the Union. That’s the only way to keep them safe from the Durug.”

“Are you quite finished, Staslok?” Nyx growled. “You better read my lips. I will not shut down the Union. Ever.”

“Ms. Castle,” said Ida, “you should heed the advice of the First Power. I don’t expect you to understand anything, but the Durug is dangerous. That’s all you need to understand.”

“Dangerous?” Nyx scoffed. “I already got rid of those bastards… the lower rank at least.” Thanks to Rexadan.

“What?” Everyone exclaimed, gaping at her in shock.

“Onyx, that massacre in Down Tide,” said Staslok, “that was you?”

Ida narrowed her eyes. “A massacre?”

Shit. Shit. Shit. Nyx rubbed her temples. She should never have brought this up. Especially not while Meredith’s parents were here. If they found out she was a demon, Meredith could get in trouble.

“It’s not important,” said Nyx quickly.

“Not important?” Ida said angrily. “Witches are dead because of the Durug. What the hell do you mean it’s not important?”

Nyx said nothing. This meeting was going on for too long. It needed to end.

“Even if what you say is true,” said Staslok, “it’s only the lower echelons of the Durug you eliminated. The sect is still alive and well. All you did was cut the tail.”

“Then if it rears its ugly head, I will cut it,” Nyx thundered. “You better tell Qixoq that.”

“Onyx, listen — ”

“No, you listen, Staslok.” Nyx released her demon energy as the rage within her intoxicated her. “No one dares touch the Union or anything that belongs to me.”

Staslok’s face paled in shock as he cowered on his knees. “You… you’re…”

Her oppressive demon energy seeped into the very hearts of the Lowdren Powers, reducing them into shriveled nobodies, cowering on the ground.

“Summon me again and I will tear you apart. Do you fucking understand?”

Staslok nodded vigorously.

Nyx exhaled. Since she hadn’t targeted the witches with her oppressive demon energy, they weren’t prostrating on the ground like the demons. However, they were in a complete state of shock, watching Nyx in horror.

Great. Now every witch in Green Front would know that Onyx Castle, the business mogul, was no human but a royal demon. She shouldn’t care at all, but for some reason, she hated the disgusted and horrified expression that Meredith’s parents had as they glared at her.

Fuck. Dinner with Meredith’s parents was going to be awkward.

Torshie Torto writes fiction and nonfiction that inspires, informs, and entertains. Join her newsletter to get her stories straight into your inbox. If you love her work, kindly buy her a coffee.

