Lesbian Paranormal Romance | Fiction

Her Witch, Her Demon: Episode 2

The vampire, the witch, and the mysterious woman

Torshie Torto
Prism & Pen


“I hear witches have the sweetest blood. I wanna see what all the fuss is about.” And just like that, the charm behind Jet’s beautiful smile morphed into something else. Something far more sinister. Meredith sucked in her breath. When she took another step back, Jet took a step forward. “Playing hard to get, little witch?”

Meredith balled her fist. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Stop playing dumb.” He laughed, yet his green eyes held no amusement. “Why the fuck did you follow me here, little witch?”

This fucking asshole. She breathed in and out slowly. Stay calm, Huang. “I didn’t come here to get bitten.”

“To get fucked, then?” he taunted.

“Not interested in that, either.” Despite the tempest brewing within her, Meredith maintained a calm facade. People like Jet got high on the power they had over their victims. She would not give him that satisfaction. “Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.” She turned to leave, but Jet was already blocking her path. In one swift motion, he pinned her to the wall, his lips inches away from her neck.

Meredith gasped. “Get off me.”

“I will if you let me have a taste.”

She kicked, scratched, and punched, yet he wouldn’t budge. His metallic breath sprayed on her bare skin. It made her skin crawl. This had to stop. She had to stop this. Slowly but surely, her insides quivered with power as she drew upon the well of vital energy roaring within her.

“Da xin a.”

A gale swept the vampire off Meredith, almost tossing him off the roof. Meredith’s breath came in heavy gasps. Her head throbbed louder than the music in the Union. Run, Huang. Yet her legs, completely drained, refused to move. This spell used too much energy. Or rather, she had too little control over her magic.

“That hurt, little witch.” Jet was already on his feet. Shit. That should have knocked him out. The bruises on his face regenerated at a visible rate.

Looking into those murderous green eyes, the vampire was clearly past sucking her blood. He wanted to rip her to shreds until nothing was left of her. It was all in his eyes. The rage, the malice, the bloodlust. There was no doubt about it. The vampire would kill her. Now was not the time for her energy to go on vacation. She willed her legs to move — she had to, or the vampire would kill her. Flight. That was the only thing on Meredith’s mind as she painfully dragged herself to the door. She could make it. She could run. She had to run. Or the vampire would kill her. At the Union.

At the fucking Union.

She gasped to a halt when Jet suddenly sifted through thin air, appearing by the door. Her throat ran dry and her legs trembled. There was no point in out-running a vampire.

“Jet, you must stop this.” It was useless reasoning with a mad vampire, but she had to try. Using magic was out of the question right now. She knew only two attack spells — one had already sapped her dry. What kind of witch didn’t take witchcraft seriously? Disgraceful. “I don’t want this.”

“Oh, you’ll want it.” He smirked. Thank the Earth that vampire compulsion didn’t work on witches or Jet would have long used it on her. “You just gotta surrender to me, little witch.”

She clenched her jaw. There was no way she was going to let some stranger sink his fangs into her and drink her blood. She wouldn’t let that happen. She just had to stall for some time until she regained enough vital energy to cast another spell.

“I don’t think you want my blood.”

“Oh, yeah?” He wouldn’t stop smiling, but his eyes shifted a little. “And why’s that, little witch?”

“My blood is full of allium.”

Jet paused for a moment, then took a step back. His eyes narrowed as they studied Meredith in silence. Suddenly, he burst into laughter. “Nice try, little witch. If you really got allium in your blood, you won’t be telling me.”

Shit. This vampire was smarter than he looked.

“Better quit stalling and make a choice.”

A choice? This fucking bastard had some nerve. But then again, it was odd how he hadn’t overpowered Meredith yet to get what he wanted. Was this some kind of game to him?

“Let me have a taste,” he said, “or I’m gonna take every drop and you’re gonna die.”

Meredith glared at the vampire. “My answer is still no.”

He laughed, taking a step forward. “I think you mean yes.”

She retreated from the crazy vampire. Deep within her core, her vital energy stirred like tiny embers of a flame. Just a little more, and this time, she wouldn’t miss. If she survived tonight, she would treat magic with the same urgency and sacredness as painting. Jet took his sweet time sauntering toward her like a predator. He was toying with her, and by the manic glee in his icy verdant eyes, he was loving every second. Meredith finally backed against the wall — nowhere else to go. Good. Closer, she thought, come closer. Just a step more. Perfect.

“Iga si — ”

The agonizing cry that tore through the tranquil night shocked Meredith to silence. She raised a brow. The wailing came from Jet himself. He caved to his knees, screaming and gnashing his teeth. What the hell? She’d barely cast the spell. This couldn’t be her doing. Her spell wasn’t even supposed to make Jet… well, whatever the hell was going on with Jet. Her spell would have snapped the vampire’s neck, giving her enough time to escape before he finally awoke.


Someone slipped through the shadows, swaggering toward the vampire with a dangerous gait. Who was that? No, wait. They looked familiar. Meredith’s breath hastened. That burgundy suit. That confident pose. And then there was the thundering of Meredith’s heart in response. It’s her. Meredith bit her lips.

In a hoarse voice, Jet said, “Onyx.” The color drained from his face and his jaws shook violently. “It’s not what you think, Onyx. I — ”

“Get up, Jetazad.” The woman… or Onyx, dug her hands in her pockets.

Jet scrambled to his feet quickly, as if wasting another moment would be a death sentence. He no longer screamed, but his clenched teeth trembled violently. What was Onyx doing to him? Was it a spell? Onyx was a witch, then? That must be one hell of a spell. What witches lacked in physical strength, they made up for in frightening power — trained witches, at least.

“What’s the first rule of the Union, Jetazad?”

“Onyx, please. I wasn’t going to break — ”

“Do not make me repeat myself, vampire.” Her voice was soft, yet its calmness exuded a frost that chilled Meredith’s skin.

“First rule of the Union,” said Jet, as though reciting a creed, “whatever happens in the Union must be consensual.”

“Indeed, Jetazad.” She paused. “Consensual.” Onyx suddenly grabbed Jet by the neck, lifting him off the ground like he was nothing but a feather. Jet struggled against the woman’s iron grip.

Meredith’s eyes widened. Onyx was definitely not a witch. Witches might have magic, but in the end, they were still human.

“You know what happens to morons who break my rules, don’t you, Jetazad?”

Jet gurgled, the words stuck in his throat. His white face grew even whiter as thin black vines crawled all over it, extending to his neck. Onyx was literally strangling the life out of the vampire. God, that must be a painful way to die.

Before Meredith could stop herself, she was already protesting. “Please, stop.” Meredith must be out of her mind. That vampire had tried to hurt her. And now someone else was hurting the vampire. She should be thrilled. She should be dancing with joy. Yet it sickened her. The black vines on Jet’s face thickened, sprouting branches over every inch of visible skin. Blood gushed out of his eyes and nose. Meredith felt nauseous. “Onyx, Let him go. Please.”

The woman ignored her.

“Nyx,” Meredith shouted. Nyx? Where had that even come from? It didn’t matter, Onyx had her attention now. Gazing into her cold hazel eyes, Meredith almost forgot why she had screamed the woman’s name. She sucked in a deep breath, then in a firm voice said, “You’re killing him. Let him go. Please.”

“I can’t do that.” If Onyx wasn’t halfway through a murder, Meredith would have thought the woman was simply talking about her work schedule for the day.

Meredith wavered but quickly regained her composure. “Yes, you can, Nyx.”

Just as Meredith thought Onyx was going to ignore her again, the woman dropped Jet. He sucked in a mouthful of air, coughing, crying, and convulsing — such a wretched mess.

“I never want to see you here again,” said Onyx. Jet nodded vigorously before speeding out of their sight.

Onyx inched closer. Meredith lost herself in those hazel eyes, eyes that held her captive simply by looking into them. She was certain the woman could hear the commotion in her heart. The thought of that burned her cheeks in embarrassment. Wait… was Onyx staring at her lips? Why was Onyx staring at her lips?

Instinctively, her gaze lingered on Onyx’s full, brown lips. What did they taste like? What would it feel like to be held by those powerful hands? What did Onyx look like beneath all those layers of —

Huang, snap out of it.

The danger wasn’t completely gone. There was an even bigger threat. Onyx. The woman was too strong to be a witch. Meredith’s first thought was that Onyx was a vampire — a crown vampire. They were one of the few beings who could terrify common vampires like Jet into submission.

But then she immediately discarded that idea. Whatever Onyx had done to Jet was magic. Dark magic. She had sensed it. Vampires couldn’t use magic, and witches didn’t have superhuman strength. Onyx was neither a witch nor a vampire. She could only be one thing.

“Why did you stop me?”

Breaking out of her reverie, Meredith replied, “You would have killed him.”

“I would.” Onyx shrugged. “What do you care?”

“Why did you listen, anyway?” It was hard reading Onyx’s expressionless face. Her smooth dark features seemed so soft and innocent, yet as Meredith stared into those eyes, she felt like a naked woman trapped in a blizzard. This seductive power was not ordinary. “You’re a demon,” Meredith whispered before she could stop herself. She had to be careful around Onyx or she would do something stupid. The thought of it sent a heat of embarrassment through Meredith’s body.

God, this was insane.

Onyx smiled — a full smile that reached her eyes, exposing the small dimple on her left cheek. It knocked every thought out of Meredith’s mind. She stood in a daze, completely transfixed by the chocolate-skinned goddess before her. She’s a demon. And you’re a witch. Meredith inhaled and exhaled slowly. Pull yourself together. She sighed in relief when her phone whirred to life. With a nod, Onyx urged her to get her phone. The message was from Alicia. She wanted to know if Meredith was okay.

“Alicia, is it?”

Meredith’s fingers halted before she could type a word of a reply. Wondering how Onyx had known, it suddenly dawned on Meredith that the demon must have been watching and listening to her all night.

Meredith frowned. “Are you stalking me?”

“That’s pretty presumptuous, don’t you think? I just saved your life.”

Meredith folded her arms. She managed a glare, hoping that it would hide the fiery knots twisting in the pits of her stomach. “Stalking isn’t cute.”

“No.” A mischievous glint lit Onyx’s hazel eyes. “But you are.”

For the umpteenth time that night, the demon left her speechless. Meredith’s cheeks heated so much that she was certain she looked like burned toast. Not knowing what to do with her fingers, she ran them through her long black hair.

Onyx laughed. It was so gentle and innocent that Meredith would never have believed it came from the same demon who tried to strangle Jet to death. This demon confused her. One minute she was scaring the fangs out of a vampire, the next minute she was charming the hell out of a witch. Meredith narrowed her eyes. Was that what was happening? Was the demon charming her? No. Demons didn’t charm witches. They killed them.

“You should go find Alicia before she thinks the worst.” Onyx backed a few steps away. The amusement in her eyes dimmed, replaced by… sincere remorse. Or was Meredith just imagining things? “Sorry about Jetazad, Meredith.” Onyx stared at Meredith in silence for a few seconds. “I promise this will never happen again.” Then suddenly, the demon was gone with the wind.

Meredith released a deep breath. Her thumping heart was close to exploding out of her chest. She shut her eyes, replaying the softness of Onyx’s voice as she said Meredith’s name. Meredith sighed.

Mami was right. Demons were dangerous — dangerous for Meredith’s heart.

Torshie Torto writes fiction and nonfiction that inspires, informs, and entertains. Join her newsletter to get her stories straight into your inbox. If you love her work, kindly buy her a coffee.

