GLesbian Paranormal Romance | Fiction

Her Witch, Her Demon: Episode 22

Finding the demon who wants Nyx dead

Torshie Torto
Prism & Pen


Photo by Pim Myten on Unsplash

The day Nyx and Rexadan exterminated the Durug at Down Tide, Nyx marked Krazord with a tracking spell. She intended to find Krazord later and deal with them. However, with everything going on in her life, she’d completely forgotten about the greater demon.

That worked out in her favor after all, because now Krazord would help her find Herragal. But first, she needed to locate them.

She shut her eyes, concentrating on the magnetic pull of her demoncraft. Her mind whirred to life like waves in the ocean, seeking to latch on to the spell she’d marked on Krazord. Then the gray face of the greater demon appeared in Nyx’s mind. They were in bed with a heap of naked bodies. Some humans. Many demons.

Nyx’s eyes peeled open.

“Did you find them?” asked Rexadan, watching her intently.

Nyx nodded. “They’ve got company. Lots of company. You ready?”

Rexadan grinned. “Always.”

She took her younger brother’s hand, and with the location in her mind, they disappeared. Mere seconds later, they reappeared in a massive dimly lit room full of piles of naked bodies contorted in all kinds of lecherous positions. Moans of ecstasy filled every nook and cranny of the room, and the stench of sex stabbed Nyx’s nose.

The tracking spell tugged at her mind, sensing its strongest pull at the farthest end of the room where a massive bed, twice as large as Nyx’s bed back home, stood. There was Krazord, rapidly thrusting into a small woman, while at the same time sucking off a big guy with a red scaly body. No one seemed to have noticed their presence, as they were far too occupied with pleasuring each other in bliss.

“Freeze them before they run off again.”

Rexadan nodded.

“Time to go, everyone,” Nyx released a sliver of her oppressive demon energy, instantly getting everyone’s attention. Not wanting to go overboard, as few of them were humans and most of the demons were way too weak and already shrieking in agony, Nyx snuffed out her demon energy. At least, they’d already gotten the message, and masses of naked bodies ran out of the room, terror in their eyes, perhaps because two royal demons had rained on their orgy parade.

“What the fuck is this?” Krazord glared at Nyx, then at Rexadan. And then their gray eyes twitched in recognition. “Onyx Castle? H-how did you find me?”

“I’ll be asking the questions, here Krazord,” said Nyx impatiently.

Krazord tried to bolt out of the bed, but Rexadan’s freezing magic held them firmly in place. Perhaps, realizing how utterly useless their efforts were, they finally surrendered.

“I’m not going to waste any more of your time,” said Nyx. “I already know who sent you to destroy my club. Herragal.”

Krazord’s eyes widened in shock at the revelation. “How did you — ”

“I told you I’ll be asking the questions.” Nyx’s voice was lower than normal. “You don’t speak unless you’re spoken to.”

Krazord gulped, nodding quickly.

“Where’s Herragal?”

They said nothing, utterly frozen.

“This is where you speak, Krazord.”

“Oh… um… Lady Herragal,” they began. “She’s in Heldan.”

Nyx clenched her jaw, struggling not to slap Krazord to death. This little bitch was getting on her last fucking nerves. “Do you have any idea how very little that tells me?”

Heldan was an infinite space way beyond human comprehension. Subdivided into thirteen dominions, even the smallest one was vaster in size and population than all of Earth. Even if Krazord told her that Herragal was in Gatr, that still didn’t narrow down Nyx’s search. So for this stupid demon to have the guts to tell her that Herragal was in Heldan — the entire fucking demon realm — made her blood boil.

“Do not make me repeat myself, Krazord. Where the fuck is your master? I’m told she left Gatr in the hands of her Second Power and she’s gone into seclusion. Where is she?”


Nyx sighed. Enough of this shit. Without wasting time, she drove her fist through Krazord’s chest. The demon howled, yet they couldn’t move a muscle. Nyx wrapped her hand around the demon’s throbbing heart and squeezed hard. Krazord screamed, their jaws trembling so hard they almost shattered.

“I have all the time in this world, Krazord. I will inflict unspeakable suffering upon you for eternity until you speak. Do not fucking test me.”

“Tavras,” Krazord shouted quickly. “She’s in Tavras, okay?”

Nyx raised a brow, pulling her blood-soaked fist out of Krazord’s chest. Tavras. “Where the hell is that?” As a princess of Heldan, Nyx was raised to be knowledgeable in languages, demoncraft and Primordial Chaos, history, demonic lore and philosophy, geography and politics of Heldan, and so much more. Yet, no matter how many times she racked her brain, she couldn’t come up with anything about Tavras. Hell, she’d never heard the name in her life. Was this idiot playing a joke on her or something?

Krazord quickly added, “It’s a sacred grove in Gatr. Lady Herragal built it for her seclusion. She says it’s more peaceful for her mind.”

Nyx paused thoughtfully, thinking over Krazord’s words. She knew the Heldan map by heart and there was no such thing as Tavras. But First Powers had absolute power over their dominions, so Herragal might have made a lot of changes while Nyx was gone. It had been over twenty years after all.

“Right,” said Nyx. “Take me there.”

“What makes you think I have the key?”

“Do you not have the key?”

“I do.” Krazord’s face warped in shock. “What the hell? Why did I speak the truth without hesitation?”

Nyx laughed. “Your heart is under my control.” Krazord touched their slowly-regenerating chest and winced. “You’ll be doing everything I say. Whether you like it or not. Now open the rift.”

Krazord gaped. “What? Now?”

“Do I look like I want to spend another minute in this pigsty?”

“I… Lady Herragal doesn’t like to be intruded on.”

“Yeah well, after sending Azakhad to invade my home, she needs a taste of her own medicine.”

“Azakhad? And you’re still alive?” Krazord’s eyes widened. “Who… who are you?”

“I’m the one who’s going to fucking kill you if you don’t stop wasting my fucking time.”

That shut Krazord up immediately. “Can I at least get dressed?”

“No. Now get up.” Rexadan released his freezing skill over Krazord and the greater demon finally rose from the bed. “Open the rift to Tavras,” said Nyx. “And no funny business if you want to live.”

Krazord sighed heavily. “Fine. But don’t blame me when Lady Herragal kills us all.”

Standing in their nakedness, Krazord’s red demon energy materialized around their hands. With their demon energy now tangible, they swiftly drew several ancient runes in the air randomly. Aligning them in vertical order, the runes began moving on their own, shifting into symmetry until they were two rectangles side by side, as high as a towering door. The thin air on which the symbols were written suddenly solidified, materializing into two huge black gates, right in the middle of the room.

Krazord pushed the gates with all their might. “Tavras,” they said. “Whatever you do, do not speak.” Not waiting to elaborate on their words, Krazord walked through the gates while Nyx and Rexadan followed closely behind.

Torshie Torto writes fiction and nonfiction that inspires, informs, and entertains. Join her newsletter to get her stories straight into your inbox. If you love her work, kindly buy her a coffee.

