Lesbian Paranormal Romance | Fiction

Her Witch, Her Demon: Episode 23

The seer’s prophecy

Torshie Torto
Prism & Pen


They emerged in a different space, a different world, with nothing but an endless stretch of fresh meadows and flowers. Above them, beyond the horizon, a massive rock floated, and on it was an ethereal house made of purple crystals, surrounded by an evergreen forest. The cool fresh air invigorated Nyx’s senses, and for a moment, she wished to stay forever. So calming. No wonder the clogron chose this place to go into seclusion.

Although she’d been warned not to speak, Nyx didn’t listen. “Herragal,” She called out softly. If the clogron was miles away, she would hear.

“Princess Onixcasria.” The voice was soft and soothing. “I’ve been expecting you, Your Highness.”

“What the fuck?” Krazord gaped. “Princess Onixcasria?”

Ignoring the stupefied demon, Nyx said, “Well, here I am.”

There was silence for a while until the voice spoke again. “Step into the temple.” After a short pause, the voice added, “Come alone, princess.”

From the outside, the floated house looked small, however, upon teleporting inside, it was much larger than Nyx thought. Someone wearing a long white dress sat on the floor. Their snow-white hair, draped past their waist. They sat still, their back turned to Nyx.

“It’s alright, little one. Come inside.”

Nyx frowned at the term, ‘little one’. Just because this clogron was as old as time itself didn’t mean she could treat Nyx like a child. Nyx stopped a few feet away from Herragal.

Then Herragal stood up and turned. Her skin was so pale that Nyx could almost see through her. Everything about her was white. The only thing not white about her was her deep purple eyes, which seemed to hold all the secrets of the three realms.

“You have grown so much, Your Highness,” said the clogron, amusement dancing in her ancient eyes. “You were only this high when I last saw you.”

By law, the thirteen First Powers and thirteen First Commanders of Heldan had to pay a courtesy call on the supreme monarch every hundred years. Nyx was ten years old during the last Call of Centuries, and her mother had taken her along. There, she met all the First Powers and First Commanders for the first time. That was thirty-eight years ago. Herragal looked the same… except for her eyes. Something had changed about them. Nyx couldn’t quite figure out what, but it unnerved her.

“What brings you here, Your Highness? I didn’t realize you returned home so soon.”

“I’m not back home,” said Nyx. “I’m here for you.”

“I see that…” She paused. “Well, I saw that. And now here you are. I’m just not sure why. Is there something I can help you with?”

Nyx paused for a moment. Was the clogron acting dumb? Or did she really not know why Nyx was here? No. She must know. Herragal had tried to kill her. How could she not know?

“Is this a joke?” Nyx frowned.

Herragal tilted her head. “What do you mean, Your Highness?”

“You tried to kill me.”

“What?” The smile vanished from her eyes. “I did no such thing.”

“No? So you didn’t send Azakhad to kill me. Nor did you order the Durug to destroy my nightclub… the Union.”

Herragal looked lost in thought. Obviously, this whole thing was news to her. But Nyx would not be easily fooled. While Herragal had an unshakable reputation of trustworthiness, Nyx didn’t trust her. Not yet. Herragal sighed heavily, as though finally coming to an understanding. “Of course… You’re Onyx Castle. How very stupid of me.”

Nyx raised a brow. “How could you not have known? I understand if everyone else didn’t. But you… You’re a seer, for fuck’s sake.”

Herragal sighed, touching her forehead. “Forgive me, Your Highness… My Chaos… it’s been… strange lately.”

“What do you mean?” While Herragal was one of the oldest clogrons in existence, that wasn’t the only reason why she was highly revered in Heldan. She was also one of the few clogrons who inherited an identical Chaos from their Primordial parent. And like her mother, Herragal was the Chaos of Time.

It was recorded that Herragal and her mother both foretold the War of Primordials. However, they saw two very different outcomes of the war; while Herragal predicted that Lucifer would be the next ruler, her mother said it would be Yavehu

They were both right since Lucifer and Yavehu became supreme monarchs after Vasteri broke apart. But before that happened, millions died in the war. To put an end to the senseless bloodshed among her kindred, Herragal and Madorac, the Chaos of Wisdom, discovered an alternate ending to the war. A more peaceful end. An end that resulted in the Great Split.

With her immense contribution to the war, not even Lucifer or Lilith took Herragal lightly. It was also why Lucifer appointed her as a First Power of her own dominion.

So if someone as powerful as Herragal with the Chaos of Time foresaw a war hundreds of thousands of years before it happened, and also discovered an alternate ending to the war, how could she possibly not have known that Onyx Castle was the same as Onixcasria?

How could she have known that Nyx was coming over to see her, and yet had no idea that Nyx was the same person she had tried to kill? That made no sense.

Unless her Chaos…

“I haven’t told anyone this yet,” said Herragal, interrupting Nyx’s thoughts, “but my Chaos is evolving. Again. It feels like my mind is fracturing and I can’t make sense of my visions. Not until it fully evolves.”

“Is that why you went into seclusion?”

Herragal nodded. “It’s not that my visions are not trustworthy. It’s just that they’re all over the place and I can’t piece them together. It’s why I had no idea you and Onyx Castle were the same.”

“Right.” Nyx folded her arms. The explanation did make sense. Yet there was still something she didn’t understand. “So what’s your reason for targeting Onyx Castle? Is it because I massacred the Durug? They tried to destroy my club.”

“I do not care about the Durug.” Herragal scoffed. “I merely used them for my purpose because our goals align.”

“Your goals align? Do you want to kill witches too? Since when do you care about Rorel?”

“I don’t,” said Herragal nonchalantly. “But I care about Heldan. And the Union is a threat to Heldan.”

“The Union? What the fuck are you on about? It’s only a little nightclub in the mortal realm. How is it a threat to Heldan?”

“I had a vision, princess.” Herragal’s voice was a blizzard, the purples of her eyes darkening. “The three realms laid down in ruins. Death and desolation reigned supreme. Rorel, Heldan, and Avana. All razed to the ground. Mortals and immortals alike. All laid to waste. Yet only one thing stood among the rubble. Only one thing remained amid the desolation.” Herragal paused, as though waiting for her words to sink in. “The Union.”

“My nightclub?”

“Yes, little one. If the world is gone and all that remains is the Union, what do you think destroyed it then?”

“Wait… so do you seriously think my club will destroy the world?”

“It’s the only logical conclusion, Your Highness. I can’t sit back and do nothing. I have to destroy the Union before it destroys us all.”

For a moment, Nyx waited, hoping for Herragal to tell her that this was all one big joke. But the gravity in the seer’s eyes was just too damn palpable. Nyx sighed. It was no wonder Herragal was hellbent on killing her. Except that Nyx did not accept Herragal’s so-called prophecy.

“You expect me to trust your visions when you just told me they make no sense. Really?”

Herragal narrowed her eyes, her lips twitching.

“See… you don’t even trust them yourself, do you? You’re trying to kill me over a future you don’t even know will happen.”

“I…” Herragal paused, rubbing her forehead. “You’re right. I did see those visions. But my interpretation could be wrong. My Chaos has been steadily evolving in the last two decades, and I’ve been in isolation all this while. I’ve tried not to use it while it’s under evolution. But I just can’t sit by and do nothing when I am constantly tortured by visions of the end of the three realms. What will you have me do, your highness?”

“I see.” Nyx sighed. “Well, I don’t know what you saw. And quite frankly I don’t care. But I need you to stay away from the Union… and Meredith.”

“Who’s Meredith?”

Nyx hesitated for a moment. “Just call off your goons. Or they will suffer the same fate as Azakhad.”

“You killed Azakhad?” Herragal gaped. Then she laughed. “I’m not even surprised.”

Nyx almost rolled her eyes. Why was this clogron answering every question with a question? It was so exhausting dealing with these old ass beings. “Look, just stay away from the Union. Get the Durug out of Green Front.”

Herragal nodded. “As you wish, Your Highness. You have my word.”

“Thank you.”

Just as she turned to leave, Herragal grabbed Nyx’s hand. “Wait… Your Highness.”

And then the clogron froze, her purple eyes turning silver, utterly lost in a trance. Nyx held the woman in her arms firmly. She waited patiently until Herragal was back to her senses. Her silver eyes transformed back to their previous purple color.

“What it is?” asked Nyx. “What did you see?”

Herragal was silent for a moment, obviously still in a daze. “Will you go to Eden?” the seer asked instead.

Though surprised by Herragal’s question, Nyx answered, “No. I’m never going back.”

“Never? Are you sure about that? Your mother misses you a lot.”

“My mother will be fine.”

“What about Heldan?”

“What about it?”

“Little one, you’re the future of Heldan.”

“My duty is not to Heldan, ancient one.”

Herragal chuckled. That wasn’t how Nyx had expected her to react to the nickname. Gods, she was so infuriating. “Your duty is to Meredith then?” asked the seer.

Nyx’s eyes widened.

“She’s your fated mate.”

She almost asked how Herragal knew about that, but then remembered that she was talking to the Chaos of Time. The seer’s visions might not be trustworthy for now, but she was still a seer.

“I shall withdraw the bounty on your head,” said Herragal. “Besides, you have nothing to worry about. It seems you’ve become even more powerful after completing the fated bond.”

Nyx’s cheeks heated up. Why the hell was this demon bringing this up? Did Herragal see the intimate moments between her and Meredith? Fuck. And what did she mean by Nyx being more powerful now? Nyx didn’t feel any different in terms of power. Hell, she had felt completely helpless around Azakhad. That clogron had almost killed her before Nyx could even move. If not for her guardian, she would have been long dead. Herragal’s Chaos was more broken than Nyx thought.

Well, that wasn’t Nyx’s problem anyway. She came here to get answers, and she’d gotten them. Now that she had Herragal’s word, the Durug would no longer be a problem. Well, even if the Durug became a problem, Nyx was certain Herragal would have nothing to do with it. On rare occasions, some demons would go back on their word. In that case, it was better to sign a blood contract. But Nyx didn’t need one with Herragal. The seer may be many things, but Nyx did trust her word. For now.

“See you in the Infernal City,” said Herragal.

“I told you. I’m never going back.”

Then Herragal smiled a rather confident smile that challenged Nyx’s words. Yet she said nothing to refute Nyx. Instead, she said in the most solemn tone, “When you crush the moon, and the crown touches your head, then your seed will conquer the crown of the sun. But beware, for pride prowls in darkness, primed to prey on life.”

Nyx frowned. What the hell did that even mean?

Torshie Torto writes fiction and nonfiction that inspires, informs, and entertains. Join her newsletter to get her stories straight into your inbox. If you love her work, kindly buy her a coffee.

