Lesbian Paranormal Romance | Fiction

Her Witch, Her Demon: Episode 24

Nyx and Meredith can’t get a fucking break

Torshie Torto
Prism & Pen


Meredith absentmindedly traced circles on Nyx’s arm while gazing at the light blue skies. They lay in the soft grass of Nyx’s garden, while Meredith rested her head on Nyx’s taut belly. The garden was almost as large as a small forest, with a blend of colorful plants, many of which Meredith had never heard of before. Nyx herself had grown this garden when she bought the house twelve years ago.

“Can you fly?” Meredith asked, suddenly curious about what else she didn’t know about her girlfriend.

“Not yet. But I can shapeshift.”

Meredith gaped, turning herself to look at Nyx. “You can shapeshift?”

Nyx nodded. “I don’t use that skill much though. I like the way I look.”

“I like the way you look too.” The words just came out without a thought.

Nyx grinned. “I know. I’m gorgeous.”

Meredith rolled her eyes but smiled. “Yeah. And so humble too.”

They both laughed heartily until they settled into a comfortable silence.

Meredith suddenly thought of something and she eased herself so close to Nyx that the demon’s warm breath caressed her face. “You said you can’t fly yet. Does it mean you will in the future?”

“Honestly, I don’t know,” said Nyx. “Digrons evolve every fifty years. For every evolution, I’ll either gain a new demonic skill or advance a skill I already have. Maybe the ability to fly will be one of these new skills. Maybe not.”

“I see.” If Nyx was forty-eight, then her first evolution would occur in two years. What kind of demonic skill would her girlfriend awaken?

Nyx had already explained to her that demonic skills were either unique or generic. Generic demonic skills were found in all demons, depending on their hierarchy or species. While all demons could conceal their nature regardless of hierarchy or species, only royal demons and some greater demons could teleport. Both concealment and teleportation were generic skills.

A unique demonic skill, however, was unique to an individual demon and had nothing to do with their hierarchy or species. Almost every demon had at least one unique skill. Nyx had a unique skill too, and she called hers Ultimate Control.

“The simplest way to describe it,” Nyx had said, “is that I can use it to control anyone. But it’s not that simple either. It’s kind of hard to explain.”

Well, Meredith wasn’t surprised about that. Almost everything she’d been learning about demons ever since she met Nyx was nothing she had imagined. The more she learned, the more she realized how wrong they were about everything.

“I may not be able to fly,” said Nyx, running her fingers through Meredith’s hair, “but I can still take you wherever you want. Is there anywhere you want to go right now? The Eiffel Tower? The Pyramids of Egypt? The Great Wall of China?” Nyx paused, a twinkle in her eyes. “Walmart?”

Meredith snickered, shaking her head.

“So, where do you want to go, my love? I’ll take you there this instant.”

Meredith bit her lower lip, lost in thought. She’d never been to any of these places. Well, she’d been to China to visit her grandparents when she was thirteen. But she’d never been to the Great Wall. If she was visiting the place for the first time, then she would love to do it with Nyx.

There was just one problem though.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Nyx asked. “If you don’t like any of these places, I can just take you somewhere else. Wherever you want.”

Meredith couldn’t help but smile. Her demon was so in tune with her emotions. “It’s not that, Nyx. I just…” She shuddered upon recalling the discomfort she felt after Ezerix teleported her. “Teleportation feels… I don’t know. It feels weird on my body. I don’t like it.”

“Oh, right. It feels that way to humans and witches. But it only happens once. Your body gets used to it.”

“It does?”

Nyx nodded. “You won’t feel sick again, I promise. But, it’s still okay if you don’t want to teleport. We can always travel the world another way. I don’t have a plane. But I can buy one if you want.”

“What?” Meredith gaped. Yet Nyx looked every bit as serious. It didn’t even sound like she was bragging or anything. Just stating facts. “No need to buy a plane, Nyx.” Meredith sighed. “We can just teleport.”

Nyx’s smile widened, her eyes lighting up. “Yeah? So where do you want us to go?”

“Thorsten Museum,” said Meredith, “I’ve always dreamed of seeing the Heavenly Pearl.”

“It’s an amazing piece of art,” Nyx said. “Viggo was quite the master.”

“Yeah.” Meredith nodded. Growing up, she’d been intrigued by how Viggo Thorsten had been heavily influenced by ancient Chinese art. It gave Thorsten’s art a unique flavor compared to his contemporaries in the mid-seventeenth century. “Wait, Viggo?” Meredith raised a brow. “Nyx, did you know Thorsten personally?”

Nyx laughed heartily. “I’m forty-eight, my love. Not four hundred and eight.” Meredith grinned. Well, she had to ask. “Speaking of art,” said Nyx, “I have something to show you.”

“Really? What is it?”

“It’s a surprise and it’s right here in my house. How about I show it to you then we’ll go to Oslo later to see the Heavenly Pearl?”

Meredith stared intently at Nyx, hoping to figure out what the demon had in mind. But as usual, Nyx’s hazel eyes showed nothing. Meredith smiled, her curiosity getting the better of her.

“Alright then,” she said. “I can’t wait to — ”

The words snuffed out of her throat at once as goosebumps suddenly invaded her skin. Strange magic — neither witchcraft nor demoncraft, yet felt like both at the same time — wrapped around her like a heavy smog. It suffocated her to the point where she almost succumbed to delirium.

Nyx must have sensed it too because she too was on her feet, clutching Meredith closely to her body, while glaring at nothing in particular. A soothing breeze washed over Meredith, and the pressure on her throat released. Nyx held Meredith firmly, her invisible but cool demon energy enveloping Meredith in a cocoon.

“What’s happening?” Meredith whispered to her girlfriend.

“I don’t know. But something is coming.” Touching Meredith’s forehead with the back of her palm, she asked, “Are you okay?”

Meredith nodded. She didn’t know how Nyx did it, but her demon energy seemed to have counteracted the effects of the strange magic in the air.

“I’ll get you to safety. Let’s go — ”

A circular red portal opened out of thin air and about a dozen people covered from head to toe in long black apparel marched out. Their aura dripped with so much darkness that Meredith’s vital energy crackled fiercely within her in defense despite being shrouded by Nyx’s protective energy. Just before Meredith could harness her vital energy, a sharp pain tore through her head. She screamed, her knees shaking in agony. Then she fell to the ground, her energy completely drained.

“Meredith.” Seething in fury, Nyx lunged at the group. But together, they chanted a strange spell, and an enchanted circle appeared beneath Nyx’s feet. Nyx couldn’t move outside the circle no matter how much she punched through the invisible walls around her.

What the hell? What kind of magic was so strong that it could trap someone like Nyx? The intruders chanted another incantation to which Nyx growled in anguish.

“No. Please stop,” Meredith cried. But she felt so utterly drained that her voice was barely above a whisper. “You’re hurting her.” This magic was just too powerful, way beyond her own. Yet, she couldn’t sit back and watch as these people tortured Nyx.

Why was she always so helpless? She was no ordinary person. Hell, she was no ordinary witch. She was a Huang witch, for fucks sake. Her ancestry was full of powerful witches that traced back thousands of years. Even if she sorely underutilized her potential and didn’t know enough spells, that didn’t mean she was weak. She’d been practicing a lot now, and her vital energy, like a muscle, was getting stronger every day. She wouldn’t just cower as her lover got hurt. She had to do something. She would do something.

With every last bit of vital energy roaring within her, she chanted, “Axa ti nikla ruk’a.”

Coughing fits racked up the attackers. Over and over, they coughed, blood oozing from their orifices, their breathing getting shallower by the second. The overwhelming energy pressing against Meredith slowly waned as the attackers grew weaker and weaker. Meredith struggled to her feet. But though the attackers weakened, they far outnumbered Meredith to handle by herself. Like a candle against a cyclone, her vital energy dimmed, draining her physical energy in effect.

Thankfully, her spell had weakened the attackers enough to break the enchantment circle around Nyx. No longer trapped, Nyx became a dark specter, phasing through the attackers with mind-blowing speed, tearing out their hearts without mercy. Heartless bodies dropped like flies before disintegrating into ash.

Just when Meredith thought everything was over as the last body disintegrated, a second portal opened and this time only one person stepped out. They wore the same black robes as the others. However, unlike the others, this person’s presence was so ridiculously strong that it pressed heavily against Meredith’s chest. Yet she powered through, ready to cast a spell.

But the intruder raised their hand and balled their fist. The blood rushed through Meredith’s veins, overflowing every cell of her body, and then coagulating in her chest. Her heart pumped faster than normal. Cradling her bosom, she howled in horror. The ringing in her ears threatened to burst her eardrums and the pounding in her chest exploded her heart into a bloody pulp.

The last thing she saw before her well of vital energy dried up was Nyx sucked into the portal.

Torshie Torto writes fiction and nonfiction that inspires, informs, and entertains. Join her newsletter to get her stories straight into your inbox. If you love her work, kindly buy her a coffee.

