Lesbian Paranormal Romance | Fiction

Her Witch, Her Demon: Episode 7

Nyx is forced to work with a traitor

Torshie Torto
Prism & Pen


Photo by Tyler Casey on Unsplash

The next day, Nyx and her half-brother appeared in a trailer park in Ransom Creek, an inner city about forty-five miles west of Green Front.

“The demon you’re spying on lives here?” Nyx asked as they passed by rows and rows of rundown trailers. The stench of filth stabbed her nose.

“His name is Jakubs. And he’s a fucking moron.”

They were soon in front of a large gray trailer. Rexadan knocked once. A burly man with a thick brown mustache stepped out. As Nyx looked through him, his human form seemed to wither away until his pale face became deep purple, a horn protruding from his forehead, and two eyes on his temples. Nyx almost scoffed. How weak was this demon that his concealment skill was so easy to see through?

“Who are you?” Jakubs glared at them.

Rexadan snapped his fingers in Jakubs’s face. “Freeze, motherfucker.”

The demon stiffened. Not even his facial muscles twitched. Rexadan shoved the demon in the chest, hurling him inside the trailer. Something crashed and shattered. When Nyx followed Rexadan inside, Jakubs had toppled over a chair, sitting flat on his ass.

His concealment had worn away, and his dark purple face was even darker with shock.

“Hello, Jakubs. Long time no see.”

Jakubs’s confusion only deepened. “Who the hell are you?” Then his shock warped to disgust and rage. “Are you fucking witches? You… I’ll kill you all.”

“Bitch hush.” Rexadan rolled his eyes.

So her brother was right. Jakubs was a fucking moron. Even if he was a lesser demon who couldn’t use demoncraft, shouldn’t he at least know the difference between demoncraft and witchcraft? Or did he think ‘freeze motherfucker’ was a spell?

Jakubs bared his long yellow fangs. Rexadan snapped his fingers again and the lesser demon howled in horror, as though being skinned alive. He gritted his teeth, dark blue blood oozing out of his nose. Damn, the last time Nyx saw Rexadan, his freezing magic wasn’t that strong. The demigron was fucking annoying, but this was impressive, she would give him that.

“If you waste my time again,” said Rexadan, “I’m going to torture you for eternity.”

“What the hell do you want from me? Who the fuck are you?” Finally, when Jakubs’s eyes landed on Nyx for a moment too long, recognition flashed in them. “Onyx Castle?”

Only a few people in Green Front knew she was a demon. Even then, they assumed she was a greater demon. Who the hell was this guy?

“Are you going to make him talk?” asked Nyx. “Or should I?”

“Patience, Oni. Asking nicely takes time and I can’t have you just tear him apart.”

She wouldn’t argue with that.

“You’re with the Durug, aren’t you?” Rexadan asked the vexed demon.

Jakubs clenched his jaws. “What are you talking about? The Durug doesn’t exist anymore.”

“Jakubs, how the hell do you think I found you? I’ve been spying on you for weeks.”

He narrowed his red eyes but quickly checked himself to appear unfazed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Rexadan laughed. “Oh yeah? You remember that caravan of witches you and your fellow Durug abducted and later killed?”

Now Jakubs’s walls were slowly breaking apart, but he remained silent.

Rexadan continued, “Four of my friends were in there. You killed three of them and one escaped. That’s how I found you.”

“That little bitch,” Jakubs seethed.

Rexadan punched the demon in the face and thundered, “Don’t fucking talk about Zara like that.”

His fist trembled as he glared at Jakubs with venom.

Had Rexadan really spoken the truth about his friends being killed by the Durug? Now that Nyx thought about it, she remembered how much Rexadan loved magic and was very much fascinated by both witchcraft and demoncraft. It was no surprise that Rexadan knew many witches, after all, he could use them to learn witchcraft. But what Nyx had never once considered was that Rexadan would care so much about his friends to avenge them.

So much had changed since she left.

“I know the Durug is meeting next week,” said Rexadan.

“How do you — ”

“I’m the one asking the questions here.” That shut Jakubs up. “Unfortunately, you’re far more secretive with things like locations. Where are you meeting?”

“What makes you think I’m going to tell you anything? I don’t care what you do to me, I’ll tell you nothing.”

“Who said I was going to do anything to you?” Rexadan laughed manically. “See that quiet demon behind me?” Rexadan pointed to Nyx. “You know who she is right?”

Jakubs spat in Nyx’s direction. “Fucking witch lover. We’ll destroy your club and everyone in it. You just wait and see.”

“Ah, so you don’t really know who she is then.” Rexadan smiled at Nyx. “I told you the Durug exists. My sources told me royal demons are pulling the strings.”

Was that even surprising? Royal demons, specifically demigrons, had long been the masterminds of witch hunts in Rorel since the beginning of time. These fuckers were primarily the reason there was so much hate between witches and demons in this realm. So although Nyx couldn’t care less about this ancient feud, being a demon automatically made her an enemy of the Witch Council even if she wasn’t an Earth-born demon. Thankfully, she was widely known as a wealthy human in the city and nothing more. “You think we can take them down? Alone.”

Rexadan paused. “I admit it will take time. But it’s not impossible. If we go to that meeting, we can learn about secrets that will help us take them down.”

“Idiots. You realize I’m still here, right?” said Jakubs. “You think I’m going to tell you anything now that I know why you’re looking for the Durug?”

Rexadan sighed. “I guess it’s time for you to know who she is.” He nodded at Nyx.

Nyx instantly released her demon energy. It was a mere sliver, but it was enough to break through Rexadan’s freezing spell and make Jakubs fall flat on his belly, convulsing like a rattlesnake.

“You’re a royal demon…” Jakubs stammered.

“You’ve heard of Princess Onixcasria, right?” Rexadan grinned.

“Princess Onixcasria?” Jakubs’s eyes bulged so wide they almost fell out of their sockets. “Your Highness.” He prostrated on the ground, not daring to look up at Nyx. Most Earth-born demons didn’t know much about Heldan, but even the dumbest demon in Rorel knew of Princess Onixcasria, the firstborn of Lucifer and Lilith, king and queen of hell.

“So are you going to tell us where the next Durug meeting is? Or should the princess rip it out of your throat? Because she will.”

Without any hesitation, Jakubs told them everything they wanted to know. To Nyx’s disappointment, this was only a meeting of the lower echelons of the Durug. The royal demons — the true masterminds of the Durug — would not be in attendance.

But it didn’t matter. Because now, they knew exactly where to look. And she was going to send a powerful message to the upper echelons.

Torshie Torto writes fiction and nonfiction that inspires, informs, and entertains. Join her newsletter to get her stories straight into your inbox. If you love her work, kindly buy her a coffee.

