How Not To Be an LGBTQ Ally

Nick Bundarin
Prism & Pen
Published in
8 min readSep 22, 2021


Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

There is a MasterClass for everything. Gordon Ramsay, cooking. Anna Wintour, creativity and leadership. R.L Stine, how to write for a younger audience. I’m going to give you a MasterClass on how not to be an ally, and it won’t cost you a thing.

The very word has become a participation trophy, a form of rainbow capitalism instead of a social construct. You can tell me you support the LGBTQ+, but what are you doing to show that support? There is no such thing as just not being homophobic, just like there is no such thing as just not being racist or just not being misogynistic. Anti-bigotry is only effective if it is active, or else how does change happen? I’m not asking you to paint the Pride flag all over conversion-therapy centers or spit in Rick Santorum’s coffee, but be aware of the world around you and understand that your experience is different from that of an LGBTQ person. Listen, learn, do not be passive, and if you don’t know how to, use your voice to help elevate an LGBTQ voice.

Here I have a duo of dunces who claim to support the community but in fact only hurt it: Meghan McCain and Scott Cawthon.

Former caustic conservative cohost of The View, Meghan McCain has claimed to be an ally. Yes, she has spoken up about the murders of trans women and the stupidity of straight pride and lending support to the NOH8 Campaign. She even has the…



Nick Bundarin
Prism & Pen

Hey, Cakes and Cookies! Taking myself less seriously one story at a time. Lover of the weird, horrific and the fantastical. A touch of nerd is my cherry on top.