Creative Non-Fiction

How to Get Fired in Style (A Trans Guy’s Official Guide)

A how-to guide for those who are struggling to get sacked ASAP

Logan Silkwood
Prism & Pen
Published in
5 min readFeb 20, 2022


A red and black ax
Photo by Logan Silkwood (who got axed)

I’m proud to say that I’m not one of the good trans people.

I’m a very bad boy. In fact, I’ve been officially certified as one of the “bad ones”. You’ve been warned.

As such, it felt like the perfect time in my life to go ahead and get axed, just for a little life experience. I firmly believe that everyone should get canned at least once in their life to build character and have a good story to tell.

You, dear reader, are the real beneficiary of my spectacular termination because you get to hear the story of how I got dismissed from duty in the (almost) best way possible.

Seriously, I’d rate my firing experience to be at least a well-rounded 8 out of 10, if I had to grade my terminator. There was a little room for improvement, but overall it was pretty solidly done.

I’m 37 years old. I have a long, stable resume and just lost a terrible new job that I’d been working at for a fairly short time.

I was a diversity hire. I’m also highly qualified, but that’s irrelevant. My real job was to be the token…



Logan Silkwood
Prism & Pen

I’m a polyamorous, non-binary trans man (he/him). I edit for Queerly Trans, Prism & Pen, Enbyous, and Trans Love & (A)Sexuality. Twitter: @logan_silkwood.