Human Rights Campaign Declares LGBTQ State of Emergency. Over Hyped?

A California school district erases assassinated gay politician Harvey Milk. A Montana trans woman is blocked from delivering a history talk. Violence breaks out in LA.

James Finn
Prism & Pen


Left to right: Harvey Milk, Kelley Robinson, and Adria Jawort. Details and photo credits below.

Yesterday morning started out edgy! I woke to a nervous text from a transgender friend asking me if I’d heard news of violence from last weekend’s U.S. Pride festivals. “I have not,” I assured her, “but I’m keeping my ear to the ground.”

Over the weekend, Pittsburgh held Pride season’s first major event, and we queer folks have been holding our collective breath. Extremists have leveled violent threats. Federal law enforcement agencies warn about “credible threats of violence” targeting Pride.

With mass shootings so prevalent and anti-LGBTQ sentiment stoked to blazing levels, we queer folks are scared, so we’re asking each other, “Has anything happened yet?”

So far so good, at least for formal Pride events. Aside from a few grumpy extremists whose chants got drowned out, the three-day Pittsburgh Pride Fest went off without a hitch. Chalk one up for love and decency!

But before I finished my coffee, another friend sent me a link to a CNN story that…



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.