I Briefly Stepped Into This Single Gay Man’s World

I experienced moments of silence and peachy farewells

Prism & Pen


One of my friends, L, broke up with her girlfriend over the phone during our trip to Oslo. After running out of comforting words, we ended up having a few expensive beers at the London Pub.

I was slightly tipsy, resting my face on my hand and watching the boys walk by. There was also a couple at the table in front of us, gradually snuggling into each other’s arms. It made me feel a mix of sweetness and then a wave of bitter stomach acid.

On my way to the bathroom, a man in a hat seemed to glance at me a few times, making my shoulders feel heavy. But I figured it was just the alcohol, so I washed my face at the sink and tried not to overthink it.

When I came out of the bathroom, the man was standing in front of me, extending his hand, slightly blocking my way. I looked at his face under the hat, saw that he was smiling, quickly wiped my hands on my pants, and shook his hand.

We chatted for a bit, and I realized we were blocking the restroom, so I moved forward, ready to return to my seat. He followed me. Feeling a bit excited and nervous, I awkwardly told him that my friend wasn’t feeling well.

After introducing ourselves, I noticed L was still in a bad state, so I explained the situation to him. He nodded, sat next to L, and chatted with her quietly. I could see L nodding frequently. I was left with the other…



Prism & Pen

I want to write stories that make people feel less alone than I did, I want to make people laugh about things in life that are painful.