“I Don’t Believe Bread Is Gendered”

That’s how I told my cousin I’m non-binary at her mom’s shiva

Lsjaffee (Writer, Educator, Over-Thinker)
Prism & Pen
Published in
6 min readJul 16, 2024


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My 93-year-old aunt died last week. The day before, a text from my cousin, who’s a year younger than me, provided advanced warning that she probably wasn’t going to make it.

I felt an obligation to attend this shiva (the Jewish version of a wake to celebrate the life of someone who passed), especially since I’m 66 and I come from a small family.

Taking in the news, although not unexpected, I wanted to use this sad occasion to tell this cousin the impact something she said at my father’s funeral had on me four and half years ago: “I never realized how much you looked like your mother!”

That simple sentence basically cracked my gender-questioning egg, resulting in me a year later concluding that I’ve been non-binary and didn’t know it.

How that conversation ensued a week ago Sunday was surreal to say the least (see the headline and subtitle), and perfect timing considering this Non-Binary Awareness Week.

Even though my cousin and her slightly younger sister are “Facebook friends,” they…



Lsjaffee (Writer, Educator, Over-Thinker)
Prism & Pen

Marching to the beat of a different drummer. Non-binary human. No tolerance for racism, injustice & the patriarchy. lsjaffee@gmail.com https://larryjaffee.com