Pride Is Under Threat. What Does That Mean for You This Year?

I Stand Up For Pride as a Woman Who Is Transgender!

Every time I walk outside as me, I make my Pride statement.

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2024


I refuse to hide any longer in the closet I was forced into as a child.

I am a woman who is also transgender.

I am not a pedophile, serial rapist, or stalker. I am a normal person who Mother Nature, in her infinite wisdom and boundless sense of humor, gave a male body and a female brain.

In an ignorant society, a biological body dictated the gender I was forced to live as. Fortunately, human knowledge and understanding is never static. It evolves and with it a deeper understanding that biology does not dictate gender.

It took decades for my gender reality to have the scientific proof it needed to reveal itself to me and the world.

I refuse to deny my reality to make the haters and the bigots of the world happy. I want the ignorant to learn. I want the world to see transgender people are normal members of society, not social lepers to be cast out and stoned by blind religious zealots and hateful mobs.

I stand with the LGBTQ+ community during Pride month and all the days of the year .



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.