I Wish I Wasn’t Transgender…

But That Is Like Wishing I Wasn’t Six Foot Tall

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


Unsplash by Fuu J

A Prism & Pen writing prompt: What I Love About Being LGBTQ!

I wish I wasn’t transgender but that is like wishing you weren’t left-handed or that you were shorter. Wishing is not going to change reality.

I am transgender and I am six foot tall.

To deny that is like trying to deny the earth is round, and I am definitely not a flat-earther. If I did deny, my life would be a lot easier but I would be abdicating mature adult responsibility for my actions and thoughts.

I just can’t do that.

But I do wish I wasn’t transgender. My life would be immeasurably easier. I wouldn’t have to fight the entire world, including my friends and, most importantly, my family for the right to be me. The gender “ME” was born inside the physical “me” and forced further and further into the background by life and socialization.

It is like I was put inside an egg for the last 60 years and everyone thought I was just an egg or they thought that I was a permanent caterpillar. That “me” lasted so long, we all, including myself, thought that was it, the egg/caterpillar was my essential being…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.