Violent Crime Surges in Red States as GOP Extremists Criminalize Drag

Demonizing the other is the authoritarian power play

Lisa B-L
Prism & Pen
5 min readMar 7, 2023


Photo by Aiden Craver on Unsplash

If I took a poll in my community or even my law enforcement friends to ask what the most pressing crime problem is, most would likely say violent crime, gun violence, drugs (especially fentanyl), or maybe school shootings. These issues, intersected with poverty, mental health, education, and healthcare would rightly be top priorities for every elected official in our land, particularly in the most crime-ridden states in our nation.

According to FBI crime data for 2020 (the most recent data available), Tennessee ranks #3 in the nation for violent crime and has the 6th highest murder rate. Also in the top ten for overall crime and gun death are Arkansas, Missouri, South Carolina, and Mississippi. **

Yet, the extremist GOP elected leaders of these states aren’t focused on crimes like robbery, burglary, assaults, shootings, etc. They are more worried about drag performers, drag shows, LGBTQ kids and teachers, and trans kids playing sports, or gender-affirming healthcare. (Let’s not forget criminalizing women and their doctors for reproductive healthcare, banning books, and teaching Black history.)

Tennessee has one of the highest crime rates in the nation, coming in at #3 overall (the Volunteer State is also #6 in the US for murder rates). In response to the surging crime rate, Memphis formed its now-infamous “SCORPION” unit and turned them loose on the city. In short order, the SCORPION cops terrorized the Black citizens of Memphis before brutally murdering Tyre Nichols.

So, is the Tennessee state legislature working hard to find solutions to violent crime? Maybe funding a task force for their police to work with ATF to crack down on gun crime? Are they funding community-based violence reduction programs or job training for at-risk youth? Are they passing laws to keep murdering cops from hiding behind Qualified Immunity to avoid accountability?


Tennessee lawmakers have instead spent their time — paid for by Tennessee citizens’ tax dollars — passing new laws to criminalize drag performers and healthcare for transgender kids. Tennessee stands out because its anti-trans bills have been signed into law.

While 33 states hope to follow, Drag performances are now crimes in Tennessee, along with five other states, three of which also made our top 10 violent crime or murder lists.

Crime and gun violence are surging in Tennessee, Arkansas, and South Carolina, according to FBI statistics, but you wouldn’t know it by the actions of their elected leaders. They want police to arrest drag performers for felonies.

Do you know who isn’t committing violent crimes in these states or anywhere else? Drag performers or transgender people.

The politicians who are pushing these anti-trans laws are ignoring the very real problems of violent crime, gun violence, and yes, even police brutality, to focus on culture war issues that demonize the most vulnerable members of our society.

Drag shows, trans kids, Black history, and women’s bodily autonomy have zero impact on actual crime or your personal safety on the street. Ginning up fake irrational fears of sexual minorities does increase violence. The violence is directed at those marginalized groups.

This modern-day scarlet letter, religious-crazed hysteria not seen since the Salem witch trials, is having a toxic effect. LGBTQ hate crimes and hate-motivated violence have risen sharply in recent years, coinciding with the most recent wave of anti-Trans and anti-gay rhetoric dominating conservative politics today.

In too many places around the country, Republicans are making a choice to legislate hate rather than solve real problems for their communities. The drama-filled save-the-children performances at school board meetings and town councils are designed to embolden and fuel more outrage and contempt for anyone but the heterosexual, white, Christians, who they believe are superior to the rest of us. While they spout racist, antisemitic dog-whistles, and criminalize LGBTQ citizens and women, they are also hard at work passing ever more permissive gun policies. This is a lethal combination that we dare not ignore.

Christian zealots, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, anti-abortionists, disillusioned, angry young men, and everyday bigots are all finding common cause to push an increasingly violent, fascist agenda in the United States of America. The extremists do not believe in a multicultural democracy. Worse, far too many of those who claim to be our allies are allowing them to abuse the powers of their offices. Ron DeSantis won re-election in a landslide with his anti-woke platform, demonizing anything he deems “anti-patriotic” and using his power as governor to quash dissent.

This is not a drill. Take another look at that map. 39 states have proposed anti-trans legislation, coinciding with bills that criminalize women’s reproductive health, teaching Black history, and eliminating marriage equality. Florida has also passed laws in the last two years that ban books conservatives don’t like, a Don’t Say Gay bill that seeks to erase LGBTQ identities from FL education, a law that tells private companies that they can’t have diversity training, and even a law that protects someone who runs down a protestor in the street.

Criminalizing is the first step, the next is operationalizing the law. That means sending the police to drag you off to jail. Just like DeSantis’s election police. They’ve shown us the plan. Use the power of government to enforce their vision of “real America.” Drag performances in Tennessee are now a felony. You better believe police raids are coming. Hell, it’s only been 20 years or so since police stopped regularly raiding gay bars with impunity.

These are dangerous times. We better be paying attention. When they come for one, they are coming for us all.

**Data compiled from the FBI, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Bureau of Justice Statistics by Samuel Stebbins for



Lisa B-L
Prism & Pen

Author, lesbian, retired cop, humble searching human. Intersectionality rules my world as I search for my truth.