If The World Could Only See: A Transgender Fantasy

What if…

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


Photo by Myicahel Tamburini

I woke up this morning, brushed my teeth and started getting ready for work.

I went into my closet but there were no men’s suits, just skirts, blouses, slacks, and dresses. On the floor of my closet were various styles of women’s shoes. In a panic, I opened the drawer of the bureau in my bedroom and it was filled with women’s underwear and bras. In the next drawer, tights, pantyhose, and colorful knee-high socks.

Did my wife reorganize my stuff again?

I sat down on the bed in absolute confusion.

Where were all my clothes?

My wife rolled over and mumbled, “Aren’t you getting ready for work?” I mumbled back, “Once I figure out what to wear.” She responded, “What about the cute dress we bought the other day?”, then she rolled over and went back to sleep leaving me in total early-morning bewilderment.

Did she say, “Cute dress we bought?” Why would we buy a dress, cute or otherwise for me? I left the bedroom and crossed to the bathroom. In the medicine closet, my razor and shaving cream were gone. So were my Old Spice deodorant and Harry’s hair creme. In their place were shelves of makeup and lotions. It isn’t until I close the medicine closet door and looked in the mirror that I…



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.