I’m a Drag Queen. We Can Be Child Friendly.

We’re not that different to other forms of entertainment…

Christopher Kelly
Prism & Pen


Image: Quino Al on Unsplash

A drag queen is just like a clown: we both slap on ostentatious make-up, we both wear elaborate costumes, and (ultimately) we both entertain. It’s just that we drag queens have better contouring skills and our costumes are more form-fitting. Sometimes.

However, throughout history, clowns have entertained all sorts of audiences — from anklebiters to childish adults — whereas drag has predominately featured in gay clubs and underground bars. So it’s understandable why many view drag queens as unacceptable entertainment for children.

Mind you, the only reason drag queens were sequestered to homosexuals was because they were frowned upon up until a decade or so ago. Much like homosexuals.

It’s only become more mainstream thanks to Ru Paul’s Drag Race, which isn’t itself child-friendly, but it has given many parents across the world a proper glimpse into our world to see that it’s not so offensive as they once believed… Much like homosexuals.

As a drag queen myself, I can tell you that drag queens can be child friendly. You can have adult drag queen entertainment, and you can have family-friendly drag queen entertainment. And it’s the same with clowns…



Christopher Kelly
Prism & Pen

Just your friendly gay man setting the record straight.