I’m Coming Out (as Trans)

Whoosh, I had to transition.

Prism & Pen
Published in
5 min readJan 27, 2023


Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

“I’m coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show
I’m coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show”

Sung by Diana Ross, Songwriters: Bernard Edwards / Nile Rodgers

Coming out is such an individual experience. It’s funny that I didn’t think of it in those terms when it was finally my turn. I hadn’t spent years wishing I could be my true self out in the world. On the contrary, my dreams were focused on either being normal or not being “who I was”.

Better still, I fantasized of magically becoming the woman I felt I was destined to be. This would be a silent and hidden transformation. I would emerge from my cocoon resplendent in butterfly colors, feminine heat, and inherent vivacious magnetism.

I would go into a store, pick out a selection of bikini, rash shirt, and sandals, and disappear into a changing room. After a suitable pause, I would emerge in my petite full-busted tight assed glory, strut up to the register and pay for my new outfit and say, no need to wrap it, I was wearing it for the boardwalk a block away. I would never look back, and no one would ever suspect my origin. I would learn, and make mistakes, but being so obviously CIS, I…



Prism & Pen

I am at heart, a naïve glass overflowing, gullible kind of transgender girl. I know how to be cynical, but that’s not me.