In the 24 Karat Cage

Pity is sympathy without respect.

Logan Silkwood
Prism & Pen


Photo by Logan Silkwood

It’s all you can offer them,

in this moment,
knowing they have the power to break free,
watching them laugh and throw
blood-painted broken glass
at any who dares to fly too close;
a punishment for flaunting
what they won’t take.

She’ll swear someday
that you can never know
how hard it is to be a real woman.
You’ll pray together
that she continues to believe
such nonsense,
but you’ll pray
to different deities
for different reasons.

You’ll pray to the God
of Forgetfulness
to be seen.
They’ll pray
to the Goddess
of Fertility
to be overlooked.

Thick, oily sweat
makes the gold dust
into a glitter paste
they hope will hide their chest
from the world.



Logan Silkwood
Prism & Pen

I’m a polyamorous, non-binary trans man (he/him). I edit for Queerly Trans, Prism & Pen, Enbyous, and Trans Love & (A)Sexuality. Twitter: @logan_silkwood.