Is Outing Transgender Students to Unsupportive Parents Christian?

What would Jesus do?

Esther Spurrill-Jones
Prism & Pen
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2022


A cartoonish drawing of Jesus sitting on a low wall with three children around him. One of the children is sitting on the ground, and two are standing. Jesus is talking to them, and everyone is smiling.
Image by Dale Parker from Pixabay

Jason Tidd reports in the Topeka Capital-Journal that math teacher Pamela Ricard at Fort Riley Middle School in Kansas believes that the school is asking her to be “dishonest” because of a district policy requiring teachers not to out LGBTQ+ students to parents without the student’s consent.

Ricard has two transgender students in her class, and each student uses a different name and pronoun at school than at home. Ricard feels that it “violates her sincere religious beliefs” to address “students one way at school and a different way when speaking to their parents” as this is “dishonest.” However, the students have not authorized the school to reveal this to their parents. So, Ricard has sued the school to allow her to do so.

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Esther Spurrill-Jones
Prism & Pen

Poet, lover, thinker, human. Poetry editor at Prism & Pen.