“Is This Alright?”: Being Molested in a Gay Sauna, Aged 19

His pleasure at my expense

Liam Heitmann-Ryce-LeMercier
Prism & Pen


Sometimes the water may be murkier than it seems… [Image courtesy of the author]

In February 2016, I was living in Melbourne and the ten weeks I had there are among the brightest, most joyous periods of my entire life. As I have written previously, I have many strong memories of my time in this tremendous city and can’t say a bad word about it.



Liam Heitmann-Ryce-LeMercier
Prism & Pen

Gay writer who will always talk to strangers // Australian, 27 // Keith Haring & classical music // https://www.clippings.me/liam_hrl_96