LGBTQ Pandemic Survey Data Highlights Disparities

Survey data throughout the pandemic shows LGBTQ community disparities that are not being talked about enough

Meagon Nolasco
Prism & Pen


It is probably not news that marginalized communities are not present in the majority of research and survey data out there. I took a research class this semester in grad school and I was alarmed by how much insight I gained. The majority of the research studies I read consisted of cis-gender, heterosexual Caucasians. I am in a social-work program, so the research studies I read focused mostly on socially diverse topics.

The biggest problem I found was that research I was using to corroborate my theories was done with non-diverse participants. It is no secret that the LGBTQ community falls within underrepresented minorities. The pandemic helped bring many of the disparities our community faces to the mainstream spotlight. Many of these disparities were not new, only exacerbated by the global pandemic.

Without proper research and survey data, it isn't possible for these communities to acquire resources or awareness. It also means that the LGBTQ community has been suffering greatly with no acknowledgment of their struggles.

This leads to community members feeling alone or as if their problems and concerns do…

