Life Is Not Linear. There Is No Simple A to B Answer to Gender.

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2023


There is no linear answer to why we are transgender. Believe me for five years I have exhaustively searched, like many transgender people, for the answer to:


I now simply say “I just am.”

It took us centuries to learn so many things that are taken for granted as facts today. Four centuries ago we were still burning witches. Three hundred years ago we discovered gravity. Two hundred years ago we were allowed to own slaves. A hundred years ago we needed to go to court to prove evolution. Only fifty years ago we could stop women from going to a bar. McSorley’s bar in New York City banned women until 1970. It is now owned by a woman.

Change takes time. Fundamental change takes even longer.

Society is waiting for science prove that gender isn’t simply binary. Nature is never simple. To accept facts we always create words and language to explain new scientific concepts. Twenty years ago we we had no idea what a “weblog” was but now we blog, now we “Google”, music now includes a “mashup”, male friendship is simply a “bromance”, politicians are found guilty of “sexting” and both sexual and social predators can now “cyberstalk”.



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.