Longings for the Unreachable: a Brief Bisexual Genderfluid Crush Compendium

A response to a Prism & Pen writing prompt on queer crushes

aleXander hirka
Prism & Pen
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2022


screenshot of video of The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show, 1994

Crush — “To experience an intense and usually passing infatuation.” — Merriam-Webster dictionary

I recognized all my early “crushes” only in retrospect—because I didn’t know what those feelings were at the time.

There were girls and there were boys—and it has remained thus.

• Hayley Mills •

I grew up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the 1950s. We didn’t get a television until I was around 10.

And going out to movies was a rare thing.

Other than the religious stuff like the Ten Commandments, Miracle of Marcelino, and The Song of Bernadette—all of which my St. George Ukrainian Catholic school showed or recommended—I recall very few from back then.

Moses (Charleton Heston) was most assuredly not a crush!

Zotz comes to mind (maybe because the theater gave out plastic replicas of the film’s magic coin), and The Sword & The Dragon (a wonderful Russian fantasy film, complete with a wind-demon and a fire-breathing dragon).



aleXander hirka
Prism & Pen

Writer, visual artist, philosopher, autodidact, curmudgeon. More than half of what i do is make believe. https://alexanderhirka.nyc