Looking Back on the Joy of Our Gay Marriage on Our 19th Anniversary

With my husband being five years younger than me, we’re not an “old married couple.” Yet.

Dan Hanley
Prism & Pen


Our wedding cake, vegan of course. Photo credit: Author

As someone who never thought I would be married, or want to get married, I’m still surprised when I write in my husband’s anniversary card, surprised that we have been married this long.

My surprise is joined with delight and gratitude.

I refer to him in the card as “my good and perfect gift from God,” something he began saying to me when we decided to start dating. I think of him in the same way.

Also, my husband is my best friend, my lover (which is also the word I use most when speaking to him), and my soulmate.

I’m a sensitive guy who fell in love, and get rather mushy when describing the love I have for my husband.

We met in church. I sat in the front pew, as always. I find that if I sit elsewhere, I do more people-watching than listening.

He was in the church choir.

When I first saw him, I was like “Oh, my!”

He was off limits as he was in a relationship. I learned way back in my twenties that I should not date or have one night stands with men who are in any type of…



Dan Hanley
Prism & Pen

I write about nonprofits, fundraising, recruiting, self-care. Human rights, domestic violence, borders, and refugee focused. Sober. Vegan. https://altrui.org/