Meet the Children Suing Florida Over Don’t Say Gay

They say they have the same right as any other kids to talk about their families

James Finn
Prism & Pen


Matt Cousins and Jennifer Cousins with their children, N.C., S.C., M.C. and P.C. Photo courtesy of Lambda Legal. Can you guess which kid is transgender? I didn’t think so.

See the kids in that photo above?

Their mom and dad have been forced to have heartbreaking talks with them this summer about the upcoming school year. Matt and Jennifer Cousins say they’re struggling to help their 6- and 8-year-old understand that having a transgender sibling isn’t shameful — that their family is healthy and just as valuable and positive as any other Florida family.

They say the State of Florida is making nurturing their children super difficult, something they never dreamed would happen to them.

Until this year, their world was inclusive, filled with love and acceptance from friends and neighbors. Then Florida passed HB 1557, the so-called Don’t Say Gay law, and the script flipped.

Today, Matt and Jen struggle not to feel like unwanted aliens. They watch news accounts, aghast, as Floridians shout hatred and obscenities at school board meetings, directed at families like theirs, even at little kids like theirs. Yes, grownup Floridians are really cursing out children, some of them in elementary school, who speak up at school board meetings to plead for inclusion for themselves or their…



James Finn
Prism & Pen

James Finn is an LGBTQ columnist, a former Air Force intelligence analyst, an alumnus of Act Up NY, and an agented but unpublished novelist.