Memories of Water

“Water has memory.” -Olaf the snowman, Frozen 2

Esther Spurrill-Jones
Prism & Pen
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2020


The soft crackling of the flames dancing in the fireplace and Cam’s breaths are a music all their own. Cam’s body is so frail beside Rill in their bed, the heat and strength fading from his form.

Once upon a time, Cam was tall and strong. His body was so big and hot next to Rill’s, so human and alive.

Cam is still alive, and by human measures he has yet a long time to live. But to Rill it will be but a blink of an eye. Rill has savoured every moment they’ve had, and he will savour every moment yet to come. If he could slow time he would, but that is not within his power. Instead, he remembers everything.

When they first met, and Cam crouched on the banks of Rill’s stream, gazing in awe at Rill rising from the water, body forming from the liquid flow.

Their first kiss, Cam’s warm dry lips on Rill’s damp cool lips. The contrast that could have kept them apart that instead brought them together.

They are fire and water, heat and chill, mortal and immortal.

Rill threads his fingers between Cam’s, remembering the first time they held hands, and how he marveled at Cam’s warmth. And how much larger Cam’s hands were than his own. While Cam’s fingers are still long, they are thinner now…



Esther Spurrill-Jones
Prism & Pen

Poet, lover, thinker, human. Poetry editor at Prism & Pen.