Men Hug Each Other in Many Ways: As a Trans Woman, Let Me Show You!

Sometimes hugs are just the best thing ever

Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen


I have spent a lifetime experiencing hugs. There are so many kinds and they can be so different.

They include:

The “Grandma” Hug: One of the best ever when you are a child. You are enveloped by her bosom as she hugs you with unrestricted love.

The “Child’s” Hug: This one is one of the best for adults. The love and trust of a child as they hug you is one of the truly special hugs to receive. You feel that love increase as they tighten their hug in your arms.

The “I Love You” Hug: This is the one that two people who love each other share. It can feel like the two hearts are melting together as one.

The “Bro” Hug #1: These male hugs occur between 1 and 2 a.m. at a bar after many, many drinks. Alcohol breaks down many emotional barriers. Guys either get angry and belligerent or sappy and huggy. As they aggressively hug, one or both say “I love you, man.” or something very manly like “I’d take a bullet for you.” I have heard it said and it is always sincerely but guardedly uttered in a very non-gay way. The straight-guy antenna is always on alert.



Emma Holiday
Prism & Pen

After decades of denial I finally answered the question “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is “Nothing”. I am transgender and I am OK.